marcosQuesada / Symfony2--Sonata-Full---FOSUserBundle

Sonada Admin
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Sonata Standard Edition

What's inside?

Sonata Standard Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles:

Symfony Standard Edition

* FrameworkBundle
* SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
* DoctrineBundle
* TwigBundle
* SwiftmailerBundle
* MonologBundle
* AsseticBundle
* JMSSecurityExtraBundle
* WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test env)
* SensioDistributionBundle (in dev/test env)
* SensioGeneratorBundle (in dev/test env)
* AcmeDemoBundle (in dev/test env)

Sonata Bundles

FOS Bundles

* FOSUserBundle

Behat Bundles


Run the following commands::

git clone sonata-sandbox
cd sonata-sandbox
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .gitignore * 
git commit -m "Initial commit (from the Sonata Sandbox)"
php bin/vendors install
git add *
git commit -m "add submodules"
cp app/config/parameters.ini.sample app/config/parameters.ini
cp app/config/parameters.ini.sample app/config/validation_parameters.ini
cp app/config/parameters.ini.sample app/config/production_parameters.ini

.. note::

The bin/vendor script does not behave like the one provided by the Symfony2 Standard Edition. The script install vendors as git submodules.

Database initialization

At this point, the ``app/console`` command should start with no issues. However some you need the complete some others step:

* database configuration (edit the config/parameters.ini file)

then runs the commands::

    app/console doctrine:database:create
    app/console doctrine:schema:create

Sonata Page Bundle

By default the Sonata Page bundle is activated, so you need to starts 2 commands before going further::

app/console sonata:page:update-core-routes
app/console sonata:page:create-snapshots

.. note::

The ``update-core-routes`` populates the database with ``page`` from the routing information.
The ``create-snapshots`` create a snapshot (a public page version) from the created pages.

Unit Testing

Automatic Unit Testing with watchr::

gem install watchr
cd /path/to/symfony-project
watchr phpunit.watchr

reference :
