This is the back-end server for the troubadour project. For now, this repo only contains the node server, but eventually it should contain everything needed to run the backend including help for setting up the relevant dependent services.
Install the dependencies (make sure to actually start the docker daemon).
Pull down the code.
git clone
cd troubadour-server
npm install
Pull and run the redis docker image.
docker pull redis
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -v ~/redis_data:/data --name redis redis
This will start up a docker container running redis listening on port 6379 of your machine with the data dumps stored in ~/redis_data
Pull and run the postgis docker image.
This assumes you've set the PGPASSWD
environment variable to something earlier. You can do that with export. Just remember what you used.
docker pull geographica/postgis
export PG_HBA="local all all trust#host all all trust#host all all trust#host all all ::1/128 trust"
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -P --name test_pgcontainer -e "POSTGRES_PASSWD=${PGPASSWD}" geographica/postgis
This causes the Postgres database to listen on port 5432 on your machine. If you want more fine grained control, checkout the documentation for the PostGIS
Setup your database.
Using your postgres client, run each of the files in sql/
in order starting with create_tables.sql
and then each of the database_update
scripts in numbered order. At the time of writing, that looks like this.
psql -h localhost -U postgres -f sql/create_tables.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -f sql/databse_update_1.sql
Next create a file named .env
on the same level as the package.json
. Put the following the file.
SPOTIFY_CLIENT=<Spotify Client ID>
SPOTIFY_SECRET=<Spotify Client Secret>
CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:<whatever you password is>@localhost:5432/troubadour
Do NOT add this file to source control. It is already in the .gitignore
Run the server:
In Development mode:
npm run start-dev
Build for production and run:
npm run build && npm run start