marcuslull / MessageQueuingDemo

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Message Queueing and Threading Demo

A multithreading message queuing incremental game using Vaadin Flow


This interactive demo represents a learning exercise designed to familiarize myself with the message oriented middle-ware architecture and asynchronous message passing. The application uses Spring Boot, Spring AMQP using Rabbit and JUnit/Mockito testing dependencies. The front-end uses Vaadin Flow to create the UI using only Java. This demo is in the form of an incremental game which I thought would be a novel approach to a messaging system. While it is a single application, I've replicated a distributed, scalable and loosely coupled system utilizing produced resources to replicate each distributed system. Each resource both consumes other resources and produces an output resource each of which are represented by a message queue to keep track of resource count.

Start Stop Reset

The first two buttons represent starting or stopping ongoing asynchronous tasks that update the demo state or act as workers to consume and produce the various resources. In most cases either a scheduled thread pool executor or a standard thread pool executor are used. The stop button makes an attempt to shut down all threads gracefully. The reset button simply resets the demo by purging all message queues effectively resetting demo state.


The focus counter is a real-time view of active threads of a fixed size thread pool executor. In the demo this should come across as a finite amount of focus, or workers, available to produce resources. Producing a resource takes a single thread of focus for a fixed amount of time. During that time the thread is not available, intentionally blocked with a sleep duration according to its production time. The thread, or focus, is responsible for consuming resources from the message queues according to resource requirements, and producing an output resource to the appropriate message queue after the production time has elapsed.

Available Resources

Available resources is a live count of the various message queues. Each queue representing a different resource of the demo. The messages per queue will fluctuate up or down depending on the production and consumption of resources (messages).

Produce Buttons

Produce buttons allow for allocating focus (an asynchronously running thread) to the production of that resource. There are only ten threads in the pool specified for the executor and the production of each resource takes a fixed amount of time, so the focus will be tied up until the production is complete. The focus thread pool uses a synchronous queue to maintain the order of production.

Resource Information

The resource information informs the demo user of various information about the resource and its production and consumption. The requirements attribute indicates precursor resources required to produce. Upon production, these resources will be consumed from the appropriate message queue. Production time is derived from the rarity, difficulty, production, and tech level attributes of the resource. This represents the amount of time in seconds a focus (thread) will be tied up to produce the resource. Upon successful production the resource will be added to the appropriate message queue ready to be used by other resources.
