This is intended to be a library of useful functions in quantum
information processing calculations. The MATLAB package is separated
into different sub-packages which contain related functions. All
functions are released under the Apache 2.0 license.
The packages and functions are:
- qip
- ket
- bra
- ketbra
- normalize
- projector
- ctrlu
- tensor
- asym_hermitian_matrix
- open_systems
- liou
- liou_row
- kraus2liou
- choi2liou
- hamiltonian
- dissipator
- vecinv
- rowinv
- elimination
- duplication
- duplication_conj
- complex2real_mat
- complex2real_vec
- real2complex_mat
- real2complex_vec
- random
- unitary
- orthogonal_matrix
- pure_state
- mixed_state
- real_mixed_state
- cptp_map
- choi_matrix