Exports information on your Git repository into Ant properties.
See build.xml for an up to date example.
baseDir: Where the Git repository is located. Relative to your project base dir.
propertyPrefix: GitAnt exports Properties into your Ant Buildfile. If you want to run this on multiple Checkouts, you can specify a prefix for the properties which will be used (this means for a prefix like "main." the property "git.tag" becomes "main.git.tag".
displayInfo: Output information about the state during build:
[git-info] Currently on branch master which is clean [git-info] Last Commit: d3169e69c054827b987055d7565736c3ff50e97d [git-info] Last Tag: v0.0.5 which is dirty
Dirty Tag means that there were changes to the repository since the tag. Branch dirty means that you have local uncommitted changes.
GitAnt exports the following Properties, which can be prefixes through the propertyPrefix option with a custom prefix:
git.branch: The name of the branch you are currently on.
git.workingcopy.dirty: Is the workingcopy dirty or clean (i.e. are there uncommitted changes). Boolean, "true" or "false".
git.commit: The SHA of the last commit on this repo.
git.tag: The name of the tag that is closest to HEAD seen through a breadth first search.
git.tag.dirty: Is the tag dirty, i.e. have there been other commits since the tag.
git.dirty: Deprecated, will be removed in later versions
What do I do with it? Create a Version file for your application during build:
<target name="Version.java" depends="prepare">
<format property="COMPTIME" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"/>
<delete file="${Version.java.target}"/>
<filter token="BRANCH" value="${git.branch}"/>
<filter token="TAG" value="${git.tag}"/>
<filter token="COMMIT" value="${git.commit}"/>
<filter token="TAG_DIRTY" value="${git.tag.dirty}"/>
<filter token="TAG_WORKINGCOPY_DIRTY" value="${git.workingcopy.dirty}"/>
<filter token="COMPILE_TIME" value="${COMPTIME}"/>
<copy file="${etc}/Version.java.tmpl" tofile="${Version.java.target}" filtering="yes"/>