marcust / gitant

Ant Task integration for Git using JGit, mostly to extract Revision info
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Exports information on your Git repository into Ant properties.

Basic Usage:

See build.xml for an up to date example.


Ant Task Options:

baseDir: Where the Git repository is located. Relative to your project base dir.

propertyPrefix: GitAnt exports Properties into your Ant Buildfile. If you want to run this on multiple Checkouts, you can specify a prefix for the properties which will be used (this means for a prefix like "main." the property "git.tag" becomes "main.git.tag".

displayInfo: Output information about the state during build:

[git-info] Currently on branch master which is clean [git-info] Last Commit: d3169e69c054827b987055d7565736c3ff50e97d [git-info] Last Tag: v0.0.5 which is dirty

Dirty Tag means that there were changes to the repository since the tag. Branch dirty means that you have local uncommitted changes.

Exported Properties:

GitAnt exports the following Properties, which can be prefixes through the propertyPrefix option with a custom prefix:

git.branch: The name of the branch you are currently on.

git.workingcopy.dirty: Is the workingcopy dirty or clean (i.e. are there uncommitted changes). Boolean, "true" or "false".

git.commit: The SHA of the last commit on this repo.

git.tag: The name of the tag that is closest to HEAD seen through a breadth first search.

git.tag.dirty: Is the tag dirty, i.e. have there been other commits since the tag.

git.dirty: Deprecated, will be removed in later versions

Extended Usage:

What do I do with it? Create a Version file for your application during build:

<target name="" depends="prepare">
        <format property="COMPTIME" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"/>
    <delete file="${}"/>
    <filter token="BRANCH" value="${git.branch}"/>
    <filter token="TAG" value="${git.tag}"/>
    <filter token="COMMIT" value="${git.commit}"/>
    <filter token="TAG_DIRTY" value="${git.tag.dirty}"/>
    <filter token="TAG_WORKINGCOPY_DIRTY" value="${git.workingcopy.dirty}"/>
    <filter token="COMPILE_TIME" value="${COMPTIME}"/>
    <copy file="${etc}/" tofile="${}" filtering="yes"/>