marelab / rfid-door-node-red

A complete Node Red Web Control to monitor & control multiple rfid-door hardware devices
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A complete Node Red Web Control to monitor & control multiple rfid-door hardware devices

This is a complete Node-Red flow to manage multiple marelab RFID-DOOR or ESP-RFID opensource hard/software Door access controls over a Node-Red based home automatisation system. When you follow the tutrial here and configure the needed settings, you get a Web GUI with the following functionality. The hole communication is done over MQTT. The GUI can be also accessed over cell phone / tablett. Atm the focus was but to get it feature complete and not fancy as hell. Its also possible to setup a selfmade board just using the ESP8266 for it use the schematic to see how


GUI Overview

Dialog GUI to manage RFID devices


Dialog GUI to manage Users of the devices

USERLIST This list stores all users of all devices found by the rfid-door sync. If you press the bottom at the RFID Devices Tab "Sync Users form device" the rfid device sends all user data over MQTT to this List (Database). This list is a central DB based archive of all users from the devices. You can edit the User here for example rename or delete a user, but keep in mind until it is synced to the device this list is only persitent at the Database. To sync all devices with that list use the Sync Button at the end of the list. All Users get overwritten at the device, so the RFID device local stored list reflects the central stored DB List.

Dialog GUI to manage new Users

NEWUSER If you add new users to the system you got two ways. The one used over the Web Gui of the RFID device or over this tab. It woorks like that:

after that the new User can open the door.

Dialog GUI to List events and access trys of the devices

If you enable logging over MQTT at the rfid devices this list gets filled like the list you can see at the local rfid devices. But keep in mind enabling MQTT logging disables local device logging. Its implemented like that to reduce the RFID device write cycles and to have a central logging space. Also in the central log you get the Door Name where the access or event happend.



You can scroll the list by << >> Buttons, per page 10 entrys are shown the sort order is last entry at top first at the end.

Installation Instructions

This instruction is based on a Node-Red Installation for Rasberry PI but should also work on any Linux based system.

Basic prepareations

You need the following tools to get the flow running:

Configure the marelab rfid-door device

To use this workflow you must enable & configure MQTT on every rfid device that should be managed by this flow. If you want the central logging functionality you need to enable it to on the rfid-device see the screenshot as exmaple:

Install the marelab rfid-door-node-red flow

The installation is very easy just download it and import it over the node-red functionality like shown here.

Configure the marelab rfid-door-node-red flow

After the flow is installed you need to configure some items of the flow. That can't be done automatic. Follow these steps to get it to work correct: