Shortflix, is short movies website. Project created with React, Express, Mongo and Docker. It is coming the second stage where I will implement reviews, add movies and Auth0
Define the scope and features of the project. Gather detailed requirements and create user stories.
Create a Feature List:
Based on the objectives and user requirements, create a comprehensive list of features that your application should have. For example:
[ ] User registration and authentication
[ ] Browse and search functionality for movies
[ ] Movie details page with synopsis, duration, genres, actors, director, etc.
[ ] User reviews and ratings for movies
[ ] User profile management
[ ] Like and dislike functionality
[ ] Integration with external platforms (e.g., YouTube) to play the movies
Prioritize Features:
[ ] Prioritize the features based on their importance, complexity, and the value they bring to the users. This helps in planning the development process and managing the project timeline effectively.
Create User Stories:
[ ] User stories capture the functionality of your application from the user's perspective. They help in defining specific features and serve as a basis for development.
[ ] Each user story typically follows the format: "As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason/benefit]."
[ ] Create user stories for each feature or functionality identified earlier. For example:
As a user, I want to be able to register an account so that I can access personalized features and save my preferences.
As a user, I want to be able to browse movies by genre so that I can find movies based on my interests.
As a user, I want to be able to leave reviews and ratings for movies so that I can share my opinion and help other users make informed choices.
Define Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] For each user story, define acceptance criteria that specify the conditions that must be met for the story to be considered complete. This helps ensure that the development team understands what is expected and can deliver the desired functionality.
Validate and Refine Requirements:
[ ] Review the feature list, user stories, and acceptance criteria with stakeholders, clients, or potential users to gather feedback and ensure that the requirements align with their expectations.
[ ] Make any necessary refinements or adjustments based on the feedback received.
Define the scope and features of the project. Gather detailed requirements and create user stories.
Based on the objectives and user requirements, create a comprehensive list of features that your application should have. For example: