mariaale2023 / Shortflix

Shortflix, is short movies website. Project created with React, Express, Mongo and Docker. It is coming the second stage where I will implement reviews, add movies and Auth0
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movies-api shortfilms


Project Brief

The Shortflix Blog is a web application that allows users to share and discover information about their favorite movies. Users can create accounts, browse through a collection of movies, read and write reviews, and interact with other movie enthusiasts through comments and likes.


interface View

Shortflix Demo Web view

Shortflix Demo Web view

Shortflix Demo Web view

Key Features

Technology Stack

The project will be developed using the MERN stack, which includes the following technologies:

Project Plan:

  1. Requirement Gathering: Define the scope and features of the project. Gather detailed requirements and create user stories.

  2. Database Design: Design the MongoDB schema for movies, users, reviews, comments, and other necessary collections.

  3. Backend Development:

    • Set up the Node.js and Express.js server.
    • Implement RESTful APIs for user authentication, movie CRUD operations, review management, and user interactions.
    • Integrate the APIs with the MongoDB database using an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library like Mongoose.
  4. Frontend Development:

    • Create a React.js application with necessary components for user registration, login, movie browsing, review submission, etc.
    • Integrate the frontend with the backend APIs to fetch and display data.
    • Implement user interfaces for profile management, user interactions, and search functionality.
  5. Testing: Perform unit testing for both frontend and backend components. Conduct integration testing to ensure proper communication between frontend and backend.

    • Deployment and Hosting:
    • Set up the production environment for the application.
  6. Deploy the backend server to a hosting platform.

  7. Deploy the frontend application to a static hosting platform (e.g., Netlify or Vercel).

    • Configure the necessary environment variables and ensure the application runs smoothly in the production environment.
  8. User Acceptance Testing: Involve stakeholders to test the application and gather feedback for further improvements.

    • Bug Fixing and Refinement: Address any reported bugs and make necessary refinements based on user feedback.
  9. Final Deployment: Deploy the refined application to the production environment for public acces

References Links

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