marians / openweather

Rudimentary python client for
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Warning: openweather is currently broken. If you want to help adapt it to the latest OpenWeatherMap API version 2.5, feel free to join this PR.

A basic API client.

News on experimental caching:

The version here in the repository is currently ahead of the latest version distributed on PyPy (0.9). It features Caching.

If the cache isn't explicitly deactivated, the function "get_historic_weather()" stores data fetched from the API in an SQLite database. On subsequent requests, data is fetched directly from the database, if available.

In order to deactivate the cache, use

ow = openweather.OpenWeather(cache=False)

and in order to explicitly set a path for the cache DB file, use

ow = openweather.OpenWeather(cache="path/to/cache.db")


Note: Only tested with Python 2.7

To install the latest release:

pip install openweather

For the latest version from the repository, use:

pip install git+

Python module example

import openweather
from datetime import datetime

# create client
ow = openweather.OpenWeather()

# find weather stations near me
stations = ow.find_stations_near(
    7.0,  # longitude
    50.0, # latitude
    100   # kilometer radius

# iterate results
for station in stations:
    print station

# get current weather at Cologne/Bonn airport
# (station id = 4885)
print ow.get_weather(4885)

# historic weather
start_date = datetime(2013, 09, 10)
end_date = datetime(2013, 09, 15)

# default: hourly interval
print ow.get_historic_weather(4885, start_date, end_date)

# daily aggregates
print ow.get_historic_weather(4885, start_date, end_date, "day")

Command line client example

Print current weather at station ID 4885:

$ openweather -s 4885

Print historic weather for 2013-10-01 at station ID 4885:

$ openweather -s 4885 -d 20131001

For valid formats of the -d or --date parameter, see daterangestr.

Print historic data in CSV format

$ python -s 4885 -d 20131022 --csv

This is particularly usefull if you want to store that data to a file...

$ openweather -s 4885 -d 20131022 --csv > weather.csv

... or want to manipulate and display it (using csvkit):

$ openweather -s 4885 -d 20131027 --csv|csvcut -c 9,26,30,35,43|csvlook
|  dt         | main_temp_v | pressure_v | wind_deg_v | wind_speed_v  |
|  1382824800 | 287.15      | 1005       |            | 4.1           |
|  1382835600 | 290.4       | 1008.25    | 170        | 5.93          |
|  1382839200 | 289.15      | 1007.5     | 175        | 5.1           |
|  1382904000 | 287.15      | 1007       | 210        | 5.9           |
|  1382907600 | 287.15      | 1007       | 200        | 6.2           |
|  1382911200 | 287.15      | 1006       | 177        | 5.1           |
|             |             |            |            |               |

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