marinebon / condition-reports
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This repo is an experiment designed to explore markdown, jekyll, Rmd, jupyter, travis, and other technologies to produce continuously up-to-date reports like those of the NMS Specific Condition Report Questions (SCRQs). Details on the CR questions can be found here.

Although unrelated examples may be included, the regional focus of this particular repo is on the Florida Key National Marine Sanctuary.

A similar experiment is ongoing for the Channel Islands over at ioos-eco/cinms-cr.

To get started look first in ./examples and compare the files there to the corresponding outputs on the website in

Within the “pages” directory is an R-markdown (.Rmd) file addressing each of the SCRQs sections from the 2018 CR Guidance document (pg 7). These sections (and their IMaRS developer usertag) are:

Additional documents in ./examples/ highlight specific features independed of the content.

Only files with the .Rmd extension are checked for code (R, python, bash) chunks and built into the website. Other files will be accessible via the static file server, but will not be modified by travis or jekyll. Files with .Rmarkdown, for example are so named to specifically avoid travis/jekyll because the environment may not yet be configured to handle the functionality included.

Relevant links:

External Demos & Links

Every link below is powered by the jekyll stack. All demonstrated functionality should be reproducible. A www groups below are included to demonstrate different aspects of the stack.

overall website design: * feeling responsive * any on the planet jekyll showcase * leaflet

simplicity: * this repo is about as simple as it gets, complexity is not yet added.

interactive graphs/plots/maps: * using plotly * using flot (source) * using D3 (source) * leaflet

interactive code demonstration notebooks: * python jupyter notebooks : GIS example * R-markdown : example dashboard

The CR Process in Theory

  1. (in development) automatically pull together existing indicator data
  2. expert workshops to identify publications/studies relevant to CRs