mario-s / gpx_split_rs

GPX file splitter written in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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GPX file splitter

This tool can split a route or track in a GPX file into smaller chunks. It will create new files, where each one has a suffix to the filename like so _FILENAME1.gpx.

Inspired by my earlier project which uses Python, but this time in Rust.


The type of splitting is controlled with command line arguments. Here are some samples to cut a track or route.

The points at a location for splitting must not be embedded in a track or route. For instance the content of POI.gpx would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
creator="Desktop App" version="1.1"
    <link href="">
      <text>Garmin International</text>
    <bounds maxlat="44.025105033069849" maxlon="12.406672211363912" minlat="41.984547637403011" minlon="10.077079888433218"/>
  <!--this is a splitting point for a track/route -->
  <wpt lat="42.178661786019802" lon="12.14837808161974">
    <name>Agriturismo "Il marchese del grillo"</name>


gpx_split --help


For more information during the process, run the application with the environment variable RUST_LOG

RUST_LOG=debug gpx_split <ARGS>