The FabScan project started in 2010 at Germany's first FabLab in Aachen. In 2014, development was taken over by Mario Lukas and the FabScanPi project was created. The FabScan PI is the next iteration of the FabScan 3D laser scanner. It uses a Raspberry PI and the Raspberry PI camera module. The idea behind using a Raspberry Pi is to provide the same hardware setup for all FabScans. Another benefit is that the FabScan gets a Stand-Alone, Web-Enabled 3D laser scanner.
The FabScan PI Server is written in Python. The Web-Enabled user inferface is written in JavaScript and HTML5 using WebGL. The code for the interface can be found at: That enables people with different programming skills to contribute to this project.
FabScan PI is Free Software and released under the GNU General Public License V2.
The FabScan documentation can be found at
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