marionettejs / blog

:memo: Blog for (hosted on the gh-pages branch)
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Marionette Blog


This blog is built using Hexo.

Topic suggestions

Please create a new GitHub issue for topic ideas that you would like us to write about

Steps to get it running:

1. Fork this repo
2. npm install
3. To create a new post in markdown: hexo new draft <filename>
4. Edit the file with your file name in this directory: _drafts
5. Edit your title at top of the file
6. Add a tag at the top of the file so that it can be filtered, choose from:

Note: Make sure you add a space after the colon

To add multiple tags:
- news
- releases
7. Add your name as the last tag (after the word by):
- news
- by Uncle Bob

Note: Make sure you write your name the same way for all posts so it filters correctly (so no Uncle Bob one week and Uncle Bobby the next)

8. To edit a post that has been published, edit the file in this directory: _posts
9. Turn on the server: hexo s (if port 5000 is being used already, try hexo s -p 4000)
10. Preview your post at: localhost:5000
11. Once you're satisfied with your changes, send a pull request

Steps to go live:

12. To publish a post (moves a post from _drafts to _posts directory): hexo p <filename>
13. To generate static files into the public folder for hosting: hexo generate
14. To preview the blog: open the index.html file in the public folder
15. One time setup:
16. To push to the gh-pages branch - NOT MASTER - (this is where is hosted on GitHub):

Adding Images

There's a matching folder with the same name as your post. Save you image(s) in that folder.

To link to the image:
![alt text](/path/to/img.png "Title")

Code Highlighting

Backtick code block
``` [language]

    code snippet

More info on formatting:

Disqus Syntax Highlighting

If you're responding to a comment on Disqus and want syntax highlighting, place your code inside <pre><code> tags. For example:

var foo = 'bar';

Happy blogging!

Got questions? Contact @jdaudier at Gitter chat