mariumtapal / sds235-final-project

Spring 2021: SDS 235 Final Project
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SDS 235: Visual Analytics - Final Project

A Shiny App exploring NYC Civilian Complaints about the NYPD

Our app is deployed on at this link. You could also run it by cloning this repository locally and running the app.R script!

Components of this repository

Our project includes the following files/folders:

Required Packages

Our app requires the following R packages which are all available for download from CRAN:

You can run the following code in your console to install all these packages:

  "tidyverse", "shiny", "shinythemes",
  "leaflet", "plotly", "here",
  "RColorBrewer", "kableExtra",
  "htmltools", "reactable"

GitHub repo:

Group Members: