mariusbackes / cordova-plugin-sumup

:pager: :moneybag: Cordova plugin for SumUp SDK integration
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Cordova plugin for SumUp SDK


This plugin provides the functionality from the SumUp API for the SumUp payment terminals.

If something is wrong with the plugin feel free to open an issue or make a pull request.

Many thanks to Peter Meester for helping maintaining the plugin and adding support for iOS!


Add the plugin with the following command:

cordova plugin add cordova-sumup-plugin --variable SUMUP_API_KEY=INSERT_YOUR_KEY

SUMUP_API_KEY is the Affiliate Key which was created in the SumUp Dashboard.

If you want to change your Affiliate Key on runtime, just install the plugin like this:

cordova plugin add cordova-sumup-plugin --variable SUMUP_API_KEY=""

Make sure, the SUMUP_API_KEY value is an empty string.

SumUp Dashboard

Test credentials

If you are in development you can request test credentials. With this credentials your card (Debit- or creditcard) will not be charged. Just write a mail to:

SumUp integration team


Get global access to the plugin methods with the keyword SumUp.

Awesome Cordova Plugins (previously "Ionic Native")

If you are using Ionic , use the Awesome Cordova Plugins wrapper. Install it with npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/sum-up.

Import the plugin in your app.module:

 import { SumUp } from "@awesome-cordova-plugins/sum-up/ngx";

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  entryComponents: [],
  imports: [BrowserModule, IonicModule.forRoot(), AppRoutingModule],
  providers: [
    { provide: RouteReuseStrategy, useClass: IonicRouteStrategy }
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

And import and use it in every of your components:

import { SumUp } from "@awesome-cordova-plugins/sum-up/ngx";

  selector: "app-home",
  templateUrl: "",
export class HomePage {
  private access_token: string = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

  constructor(private sumUp: SumUp) {}

  private async login(): Promise<void> {
    try {
      await this.sumUp.login(this.access_token);
    } catch (e) {

If you want to try the example first, you can read more here


If you get access to the plugin with plain JavaScript by using SumUp the plugin will return a success and an error callback. Example:

  function (success) {
  function (error) {


SumUpKeys {
    accessToken?: number;
    affiliateKey?: string;

SumUp.login(sumUpKeys: SumUpKeys)

User will be logged in, in his SumUp account. The parameter for the login method is a SumUpKeys Object. Default, it contains two empty string values. Both values are optional.


Read more how to create and renew an access token: Create an access token


If you want to change your affiliateKey on runtime, make sure you've added the plugin in the correct way. Like described in Installation.

Now you can set your affiliate key value on the object.


SumUp.auth(accessToken: string)

Authenticates the account with the given access token. Parameter accessToken is required.



Opens a new window with the all account settings of an logged in user.



Logout a user from the account.



Checks whether the user is logged in or not and returns an object with the field isLoggedIn which is a boolean value.



Prepares the terminal for a payment. Checks whether the CardReader is ready to tramsmit and if an instance of the CardReaderManager is available.



Will setup/initiate the SumUP SDK. Usely after App launch. For iOS, this is required before using other functions.



Test the SumUp SDK integration. Currently only for iOS.



Tries to close the connection to the card terminal.

pay number, title?: string, currencyCode?: string)

Opens a native SumUp window to proceed a payment. Parameter amount is required. Parameter title and currencyCode are optional. If no title is provided, the title is empty. If no currencyCode is provided, the default currency from logged in user is chosen. If the Payment was successful it returns an SumUpPayment object with information about the payment.

NOTE: At the moment just the required parameter amount and currencycode are available in this plugin. SumUp supports some optional parameter like:

additionalInfo can has any amount.


There are 3 types of responses from the plugin:

SumUpResponse: This response is fired from the plugin at every call. You'll get an code and an description message. In case of an exception the exception message is set to SumUpResponse.

SumUpResponse {
    code: number;
    message: string;

SumUpLoginStatus: It contains the code of the Response and an boolean value whether the user is logged in or not.

SumUpLoginStatus {
    code: number;
    isLoggedIn: boolean;

SumUpPayment: You'll get this response after a successful payment

SumUpPayment {
    transaction_code: string;
    card_type: string;
    merchant_code: string;
    amount: number;
    tip_amount: number;
    vat_amount: number;
    currency: string;
    status: string;
    payment_type: string;
    entry_mode: string;
    installments: number;
    last_4_digits: number;

Create an access token

In the SumUp Dashboard in the developer section create an app id.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'grant_type=authorization_code'\
  -d 'client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID'\
  -d 'client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' \
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'grant_type=refresh_token'\
  -d 'client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID'\
  -d 'client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' \
  -d 'refresh_token=YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN'

Response Codes

SumUp API Response Codes

These are all the response codes from the native SumUp SDK. They are also returned to your JavaScript App.

Code Description
1 Success
2 Transaction failed
3 Geolocation required
4 Invalid param
5 Invalid Token
6 No connectivity
7 Permission denied
8 Not logged in
9 Duplicate foreign tx id
10 Invalid affiliate key
11 User is already logged in

Plugin specific response codes

This plugins always returns an object with a status code to recognize if the operation was successful or not. These codes are starting at 100.

Here are all additional codes:

Code Description
100 Login error
101 Login canceled
102 Check for login status failed
103 Logout failed
104 Failed to close card reader connection
105 CardReader instance is not defined
106 Error while stop card reader
107 Show settings failed
108 Settings done
109 Prepare payment error
110 Card reader is not ready to transmit
111 Error while preparing checkout
112 Authenticate error
113 No access token
114 Authenticate was successful
115 Can't parse amount
116 Can't parse currency
117 Payment error
118 No affiliate key available

Common problems

Invalid affiliate key

If you want to make a payment and get the "Invalid affiliate key" error in this process it could be, you have provided the false app id.

Make sure the app id you created in your SumUp dashboard is equal to the id from your config.xml


Plain javascript

In the folder examples/javasript you can find a plain Javascript application to communicate with a SumUp Terminal. Just insert your affiliate key in package.json and install the package with npm install.

If you want to login with an access token, you must generate an access token like described here. After generating a valid access token insert it in index.js.

Ionic Framework

In examples/ionic is an example app with Ionic.

  1. Insert your own API_KEY (Affiliate Key) in the examples/ionic/package.json.
  2. Generate an access token if needed.
  3. Install the dependencies with npm install.
  4. Add a platform: ionic cordova platform add [android, ios].
  5. Build the App: ionic cordova build [android, ios].
  6. Install the .apk File on an Android device with adb install or open the xcworkspace to run it on an iOS device.
  7. You can also run the app directly with ionic cordova run [android, ios].
