mariusz-jachimowicz-83 / duct-microservices

Duct module for running microservices based system... IN PROGRESS
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Duct module for creating microservices




To add module to your configuration, add the :duct.module.web/microservices key:

{:duct.module/microservices {}}

Now we can specify 3 kinds of microservices (similar to duct module.web):

Each microservice is defined by composite key (type and microservice id), for instance:

{[:duct.microservice/api  :system/s1] {}
 [:duct.microservice/api  :system/s2] {}
 [:duct.microservice/site :system/s2] {}}

Module will create configuration for each defined microservice.
Configurations will be constructed using composite keys.
You can customize each microservice configuration by those keys, for instance:

{[:duct.server.http/jetty :system/s1] {:port 3005}
 [:duct.server.http/jetty :system/s2] {:port 3006}}


Copyright © 2018 Mariusz Jachimowicz

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.