mark-when / mw

Markwhen CLI
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mw is the markwhen command line interface (CLI). You can use it to parse markwhen files and optionally render a view of it (timeline+gantt/calendar/resume).

All html output is self-contained; js and css are inlined and there are no external scripts.


npm i -g @markwhen/mw


Output HTML

mw [serve] <input_file> [<destination>] [-o <outputType>] [-d <destination>] [-p <port>] [-s <socket_port>]
Option Description
serve If provided, will start a server at the specified port and watch the input_file for changes
outputType one of json | timeline | calendar | resume
destination File to write to. Output type can be inferred from the filename if outputType is not specified; i.e., files ending in timeline.html will produce the timeline view, files ending in json will produce the raw parse output.
port If serving, port to serve from
socketPort If serving, socket port to serve from

Parse markwhen document and output json:

# -> outputs

Render a timeline view:

mw timeline.html
# -> outputs timeline.html (timeline+gantt view)

Render a calendar view:

mw ThingsToDo-calendar.html
# -> outputs ThingsToDo-calendar.html (calendar view - inferred from the filename)

Start a server and watch file

mw serve <input_file> will start a server and reflect changes to the input file.

Watch and get immediate updates in localhost:3000:

mw serve -o calendar