mark2devel / mark2

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Mark2 restarting bungeecord all the time! #89

Closed 8qBITs closed 6 years ago

8qBITs commented 6 years ago

I dont know what more to do it's really annoying it has nothing to do with plugins! i added this into but still no effect

Combustible commented 6 years ago

Here is the relevant config I use for bungeecord that works fine for me. Note that I run bungee on the default 25565 port.

# Regular expression that lets mark2 know that BungeeCord is done loading.
mark2.service.process.done-pattern=Listening on.*

# Command that is ran when mark2 has to stop BungeeCord.

# Detect player bungeecord join and quits for tab complete support
mark2.regex.join=\\[(?P<username>[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16})\\] \\<(?P<ip>-)\\> ServerConnector.+
mark2.regex.quit=\\[(?P<username>[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16})\\] \\<*(?P<reason>-)\\> UpstreamBridge has disconnected

# Set default alert message command to alertraw so [Alert] doesn't appear
# before every message. You must use valid json. If you want to display simple
# messages, just edit the alerts.txt file and quote every line
# Example: "Text Goes Here!"
plugin.alert.command=alertraw {message}

# Set the unknown command response for mark2's crash detection system
plugin.monitor.crash-unknown-cmd-message=Command not found.*

# Make sure that the shutdown alert command uses alert instead of say.
plugin.shutdown.alert-command=alert %s
gsand commented 6 years ago