mark2devel / mark2

Minecraft Multi Server Wrapper Written in Python with Twisted; Pull Requests HIGHLY Encouraged, Collaborators Needed Discord:
205 stars 44 forks source link
minecraft python3


GitHub last commit

 mark2  server01  server02                                        user
┌────────────── server01 ──────────────┐┌─────────── stats ───────────┐
│2015-06-04 13:55:34 | Server          ││cpu: 0.20%                   │
│permissions file permissions.yml is   ││mem: 2.06%                   │
│empty, ignoring it                    ││load: 0.10, 0.14, 0.11       │
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | Done (3.522s)!  ││players: 0 of 300            │
│For help, type "help" or "?"          │└─────────────────────────────┘
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | Using epoll     │┌────────── players ──────────┐
│channel type                          ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | [NoCheatPlus]   ││                             │
│Post-enable running...                ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | [NoCheatPlus]   ││                             │
│Post-enable finished.                 ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:56:16 # user attached   ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:56:24 # user detached   ││                             │
│2015-06-04 14:00:37 # user attached   ││                             │

mark2 is a minecraft server wrapper, written in python and twisted. It aims to be the definitive wrapper, providing a rich feature-set and a powerful plugin interface. It has no requirement on craftbukkit.

See for requirements and installation instructions

See for details on how to use mark2

Want to contribute or are just curious how mark2 works? See the Contribution Guide.

See the Event Documentation for details on mark2 events.




As mark2 is a port of older python 2 code, there may be some growing pains down the line for deprecations or changes that cause issues.

As of editing, mark2 was tested and works on Python 3.11, though it should work on Python 3.12 (just not tested atm)

If you experience any odd behavior (mark2 behaving improperly, not issues with your minecraft servers), feel free to create a GitHub issue report on the repo here and it will be fixed as soon as possible! Thank you!