markdstouffer / ani-bot

Discord.js bot integrated with AniList's GraphQL API.
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A Discord bot for searching anime, user scores/progress, and managing watch-parties. Ani-Bot queries data from AniList's GraphQL API, and is written entirely in TypeScript, using the newest features available in the Discord.js library.

Head over to Getting Started to learn more about the commands.


The main feature of Ani-Bot is the creation of watch-parties. The first step is suggesting an anime for your group of friends to watch together (/wp suggest <anime title>). Any member of the server may choose to partake, either by reacting to a prompt, or by using /wp join. The watchparty command can then be used to check the progress of all members on the anime.


Discord.js v13 adds support for the new threads feature. A user can now set the assigned episodes for the watchparty using /ep next <title> <# of episodes>, and a discussion thread will be automatically generated for those episodes - and don't worry, the thread starter message that peeks at the thread's messages is auto-erased to avoid spoilers! The previous discussion thread (if there is one) is automatically archived after setting new episodes.


Feel free to invite the bot to your own server using this link! Type '/' to open the list of available slash commands and their descriptions.


I'll be polishing and updating this project as much as I can in the coming months, but I'm only one (relatively inexperienced) person! Any contributions to the project are welcome and appreciated, even in the form of sending issues/discussion posts.

Creating a new command

Add your new command to the commands folder following the format for usage, description, etc. found in other command files. Then define & import your command file into the commands/index.js directory.


If you wish to independently test your contributions, you'll need to generate a token to place in the .env (.envtemplate). Create a new Discord application and create a bot in the application with the proper permissions. Then invite the bot to a test server and paste your token into the .env. Don't forget to run npm install in your shell to install all required dependencies.