markhobson / penguin-spa

Single-Page Application (SPA) client for Penguin.
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Penguin SPA

Penguin is a simple application that helps coordinate merges into a Git repository. This project provides a Single-Page Application (SPA) client to the web service.

Getting Started

To run the Penguin SPA client:

  1. Install Node.js
  2. git clone git://
  3. cd penguin-spa
  4. npm install
  5. Run the Penguin web service
  6. node server
  7. Visit http://localhost:8080/

Command Line Options

The following command line options are supported:

-h, --help     Shows this help
-p, --port     Sets the server port              [default: 8080]
-s, --service  Sets the web service (host:port)  [default: "localhost:8081"]

Hosted Instance

Penguin is deployed to Heroku:


The client is a single-page application that uses Director as its router. Views use Knockout.js for UI bindings and are externalised using the Knockout.js External Template Engine. AJAX REST requests are performed by jQuery and CSS is provided by Bootstrap. RequireJS is used as the JavaScript module loader.

It is served by a Express web application running on Node.js.