The markLogic-rdf4j API is a RDF4J Repository implementation exposing MarkLogic semantic features.
The markLogic-rd4j API supports RDF4J v2.4.3.
Ensure MarkLogic 9.0-8 or greater is installed and running. To use marklogic-rdf4j applications you will need access to a running MarkLogic server.
The markLogic-rdf4j API is available via Maven Central.
For gradle projects, include the following dependency in your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.marklogic', name: 'marklogic-rdf4j', version: '1.2.2'
For maven projects, include in your pom.xml:
This section describes how to build and test marklogic-rdf4j API from develop branch.
marklogic-rdf4j depends on MarkLogic Java API Client v4.1.2 and should pull down this version from maven central.
To optionally build marklogic-rdf4j with develop branch version of MarkLogic Java API Client:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true deploy
Verify that Java API client has been deployed to your local maven repo.
marklogic-rdf4j depends on MarkLogic v9.0-8 or greater installed and running;
gradle marklogic-rdf4j:mlDeploy
You should be able to test marklogic-rdf4j repository by running:
gradle marklogic-rdf4j:test
Build and deploy a local maven marklogic-rdf4j build by running;
gradle marklogic-rdf4j:install
optionally you can build the jar without running tests.
gradle build -x test
and copy resultant marklogic-rdf4j/build/libs/marklogic-rdf4j-1.2.2.jar.
The marklogic-rdf4j-examples folder contains a sample project that demonstrates usage of marklogic-rdf4j.
Latest javadocs are here
You may generate javadocs by running;
gradle marklogic-rdf4j:javadoc