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rust dependency management #80

Open dhellmann opened 4 months ago

dhellmann commented 4 months ago

The build isolation works for packages that use Python and C, but the rust built tools expect to download libraries during the build process, still.

tiran commented 4 months ago

I borrowed the keys to the time machine and requested a feature for the problem three years ago in setuptools-rust issue 112. With the 'new' feature, setuptools-rust can automatically vendor Rust crates into the sdist. I also tried to convince upstream projects like PyCA cryptography to vendor their crates, but upstream was against it.

Vendoring Rust crates after the fact is a bit complicated. Also setuptools.build_meta is stubborn and requires extra convincing to bundle stuff. Also re-created of sdists may be missing some files that were added by setuptools_scm unless also includes them.

# /tmp/setup-extra.cfg
$ curl | tar xz

$ cd maturin-1.5.1

$ DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG=/tmp/setup-extra.cfg python3 -m build -s

$ $ ls -sh dist/maturin-1.5.1.tar.gz
44M dist/maturin-1.5.1.tar.gz

The vendored tar ball is huge, because it contains tons of unnencessary Windows API bindings. My script from Fedora's python-cryptography dist-git has the same problem.

Our colleagues from CoreOS had the same issue and created . Something like this works for maturin. For other projects, we have to path the maninfest file explicitly.

$ cargo install cargo-vendor-filterer
$ SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=0 cargo vendor-filterer --platform=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --prefix=vendor --format=tar.gz

then we need to create a .cargo/config similar to the cargo_prep macro in CentOS/RHEL:

$ rpm --eval "%cargo_prep -V 1"
/usr/bin/mkdir -p .cargo 
cat > .cargo/config << EOF 
rustc = "/usr/bin/rustc"
rustdoc = "/usr/bin/rustdoc"

CFLAGS = "-O2 -g"
CXXFLAGS = "-O2 -g"
LDFLAGS = "%{build_ldflags}"

root = "/root/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.x86_64/usr"

verbose = true
# %if 01
/usr/bin/tar -xoaf %SOURCE1
cat >> .cargo/config << EOF 

replace-with = "vendored-sources"

directory = "./vendor"
# %endif