markmc / rebuilding-the-wheel

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Rebuilding the Wheel

This repo is a prototype of completely re-building a dependency tree of Python wheels from source.

The idea is to explore what is involved with providing a Python package index from which a user can pip install knowing:

  1. The binary package they are installing was built from source in a known build environment compatible with their own environment
  2. All of the package’s dependencies were also built from source - any binary package installed will have been built from source
  3. All of the build tools used to build these binary packages will also have been built from source

For the purposes of this prototype, langchain was chosen as the top of the dependency stack.

The mirror-sdists script does the following:

Finally, the install-from-mirror script installs the dependency stack into a virtual environment from this newly created repository of wheels.

Current Status

See the currently open issues.

Langchain Dependency Tree

For reference, here's the dependency tree we're dealing with in this prototype:

$ deptree langchain
├── aiohttp [required: >=3.8.3,<4.0.0, installed: 3.9.3]
│   ├── aiosignal [required: >=1.1.2, installed: 1.3.1]
│   │   └── frozenlist [required: >=1.1.0, installed: 1.4.1]
│   ├── async-timeout [required: >=4.0,<5.0, installed: 4.0.3]
│   ├── attrs [required: >=17.3.0, installed: 23.2.0]
│   ├── frozenlist [required: >=1.1.1, installed: 1.4.1]
│   ├── multidict [required: >=4.5,<7.0, installed: 6.0.5]
│   └── yarl [required: >=1.0,<2.0, installed: 1.9.4]
│       ├── idna [required: >=2.0, installed: 3.6]
│       └── multidict [required: >=4.0, installed: 6.0.5]
├── async-timeout [required: >=4.0.0,<5.0.0, installed: 4.0.3]
├── dataclasses-json [required: >=0.5.7,<0.7, installed: 0.6.4]
│   ├── marshmallow [required: >=3.18.0,<4.0.0, installed: 3.21.1]
│   │   └── packaging [required: >=17.0, installed: 23.2]
│   └── typing-inspect [required: >=0.4.0,<1, installed: 0.9.0]
│       ├── mypy-extensions [required: >=0.3.0, installed: 1.0.0]
│       └── typing_extensions [required: >=3.7.4, installed: 4.10.0]
├── jsonpatch [required: >=1.33,<2.0, installed: 1.33]
│   └── jsonpointer [required: >=1.9, installed: 2.4]
├── langchain-community [required: >=0.0.25,<0.1, installed: 0.0.27]
│   ...
├── langchain-core [required: >=0.1.29,<0.2, installed: 0.1.30]
│   ├── anyio [required: >=3,<5, installed: 4.3.0]
│   │   ├── exceptiongroup [required: >=1.0.2, installed: 1.2.0]
│   │   ├── idna [required: >=2.8, installed: 3.6]
│   │   ├── sniffio [required: >=1.1, installed: 1.3.1]
│   │   └── typing_extensions [required: >=4.1, installed: 4.10.0]
│   ...
│   ├── packaging [required: >=23.2,<24.0, installed: 23.2]
│   ...
├── langchain-text-splitters [required: >=0.0.1,<0.1, installed: 0.0.1]
│   └── langchain-core [required: >=0.1.28,<0.2.0, installed: 0.1.30]
│       ...
├── langsmith [required: >=0.1.17,<0.2.0, installed: 0.1.23]
│   ├── orjson [required: >=3.9.14,<4.0.0, installed: 3.9.15]
│   ...
├── numpy [required: >=1,<2, installed: 1.26.4]
├── pydantic [required: >=1,<3, installed: 2.6.3]
│   ├── annotated-types [required: >=0.4.0, installed: 0.6.0]
│   ├── pydantic_core [required: ==2.16.3, installed: 2.16.3]
│   │   └── typing_extensions [required: >=4.6.0,!=4.7.0, installed: 4.10.0]
│   └── typing_extensions [required: >=4.6.1, installed: 4.10.0]
├── PyYAML [required: >=5.3, installed: 6.0.1]
├── requests [required: >=2,<3, installed: 2.31.0]
│   ├── certifi [required: >=2017.4.17, installed: 2024.2.2]
│   ├── charset-normalizer [required: >=2,<4, installed: 3.3.2]
│   ├── idna [required: >=2.5,<4, installed: 3.6]
│   └── urllib3 [required: >=1.21.1,<3, installed: 2.2.1]
├── SQLAlchemy [required: >=1.4,<3, installed: 2.0.28]
│   ├── greenlet [required: !=0.4.17, installed: 3.0.3]
│   └── typing_extensions [required: >=4.6.0, installed: 4.10.0]
└── tenacity [required: >=8.1.0,<9.0.0, installed: 8.2.3]