markschad / openshift-origin-cartridge-nodejs-sails

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OpenShift NodeJS & SailsJS Cartridge

This cartridge provides node.js support to an OpenShift gear and builds a template sails.js application.


Web Application

The simplest way to install this cartridge is from the OpenShift Web Application. Simply enter a name for your application and click Create Application!

Command Line

If you have rhc installed you can run the following command. This will also copy the template source to your working directory and add the upstream remote. This is the fastest way to get a new sails template up and running on OpenShift.

rhc app-create mysails


This cartridge is based on the latest (0.10) OpenShift Online NodeJS cartridge. In order to allow Sails to run without naturally on the gear a small modification was made to the control start command in order to force supervisor to ignore sail's .tmp directory.

More information about the NodeJS cartridge can be found here.

Questions or Comments

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