markus-larsson / Invasion.lingor3

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Another ARMA 3 semi-dynamic mission, inspired greatly by previous works like domination or insurgency. The idea of this mission is that USMC is conducting an island invasion of (as a first map of choice) Lingor. The composition of main objectives will be different each restart but typically it involves:

There will also be smaller missions to conduct in varying difficulties, examples may be:

All of the above represents the players offensive objectives. But the AI has objectives of their own, their objective is to repel the players (your) invasion. They do this by enacting their own counter-offensive towards the player at varying intervals, meaning the player will always have to stay alert, and is not always at the mercy of farming the objectives. The AI has 3 initial system under a branch I call ACS short for Active Combat System, these are:




Expanded description (6/3/2018) of Invasion:

Active Combat System - Anti Air: This part of the ACS spawns anti air units which are either Infantry AA, Ural ZU-23 or a faster mover. The fast mover (for eg. MiG-29) can only spawn if you are flying a AV-8B or another type of plane.

Active Combat System - Sea: This part of ACS spawns one full squad of MSV or VDV infantry to wait until the patrol boat in the river is close enough, and then it attacks that boat. This to ensure that no travel path onto a russian occupied island is overlooked, as a river approach is more subtle.

Active Combat System - Land: This part of ACS spawns up anywhere from 1 to 6 squads (usually, by this I mean it's a percentage chance to spawn in), these squads are MSV or VDV infantry that may be accompanied by BMP's, BTR's or BMD's. This is the most deadly part of ACS as they counter air units and land infantry. After it has spawned it, the units mount up and proceed to the players general area shortly after they make landfall (remember you start on a carrier as the player!).

Active Defense System - Towns: This part of ADS populates a town with OPFOR infantry, armor and watch towers along with one HQ building. It also has a capture variable where if you, the player, is within 100 meters starts capturing (however as of 6/3/2018 no clientside display for this is added yet). This is the main victory condition, if enough towns are destroyed, the mission is won.

Active Defense System - Tasks: This part of ADS creates a few objects spread around the map. These objects contribute to more wave intensity for ACS, that is to say if there is 6 barracks spawned in it means that as an example, in ACS Land it goes 700 - random 150 + random 150 - barracks 30 where 6 would replace barracks, this effectively means that if the whole map is filled with barracks from ADS Tasks it would reduce the respawn time between ACS Land waves by 18 20 = 360, so at a lowest count it could be as close as 190 seconds between attack waves. And if these objects are destroyed, you reduce the difficulty that way, by reducing the spawn intensity.

AI Support System - MI-8 Air Assault Squad: As the name suggests, this script checks whenever a unit dies and at a percentage chance it has a chance to call in MI-8 paratroopers (up to 4 helicopters filled with paratrooper infantry). This is also interfaced with the tasks to reduce the intensity of reinforcements depending on active task objects.

AI Support System - Artillery (WIP): This script will work in the same manner as MI-8 Air Assault Squad script does, except instead of paratroopers it spawns artillery within a certain distance and then proceeds to bombard the area that the instigators (the general area of the person who killed the opfor unit is).

That's it for the major system and what is ready and/or very close to being ready. We still have work to do on all the clientside stuff and we have a few other systems related to airports and base capture needing to be considered for the serverside. Other then that you will have the general stuff that most other missions offer: Rally points & we have MHQ's implemented are examples.

For roles available in the mission goes as follows:

For vehicles we have the following:

Me & Panda would both appreciate suggestions and feedback on what we have already described. Even more so when we actually have this up and running, feedback will be vital to make this more enjoyable.