Hi Max, alles gute zum Bday von Jules und deinen 3 Dev-Atzen (ok eig nur 2, Markus zählt nicht :( )
schau dich gern einmal ein bisschen hier um, vielleicht findest du ja den ein oder anderen interessanten commit…
Wir hoffen du genießt deinen Tag!
Jules, Lukas, Thomas, Markus
Contribution Guidelines
- We push on save
- No unit tests allowed in this repo, just write better code
- there is no rebasing on fridays, weekends or holidays
- no merging before 11am montana time
- if you force push, a meeting will be scheduled within the next half hour with your HR rep
- if you suggest git flow, you're banned from the project
- you get 5 branches per week
- if you exceed those, you have to work from main
- branches do not roll over
- if you suggest submodules, git blame will resolve to you until the next person suggests submodules
- cherry-pick will be referred to as "yoink"
- there is only 1 pre-commit hook allowed that checks for other pre-commit hooks
- if other pre-commit hooks are found on your system, you're banned for eternity