markxroberts / risco-mqtt-local

Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT
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Risco MQTT Local integration

Provide Risco alarm panels integration to Home Assistant using Local TCP communication with Panel (no cloud access required)

This project is a fork of Johann Vanackere. In turn this forks risco-mqtt-home-assistant by Alessandro Mancini, using local APIs instead of RiscoCloud APIs. Local APIs are based on TJForc local RISCO communication library




npm install @markxroberts/risco-mqtt-local


docker run -v $(pwd)/config.json:/data/config.json markxroberts/risco-mqtt-local:latest

Or install as HA add-on.


Create a file config.json in your project directory. I suggest using config-sample.json in this folder rather than copying the commented version below.

  "log": "info", // Optional, default to "info"
  "logtofile": true // Optional, default false
  "panel": {
    "panelIp": "",
    "panelPort": 1000,  // Optional
    "panelPassword": "1234",  // Optional
    "panelId": 1,
    "watchDogInterval": 10000,  // Optional
    "socketMode": "direct", // Optional
    "commandsLog": false // If enabled, dump all commands in a file named risco-commands-${date}.csv
  "ha_discovery_prefix_topic": "homeassistant" //Optional
  "risco_mqtt_topic": "risco-alarm-panel", //Optional - topic to which state changes are published for multiple instances
  "filter_bypass_zones": true, // Optional - system filters out non-functional bypasses (usually entry and exit zones)
  "alarm_system_name": "Risco Alarm", // Optional - Device name and therefore prefix for HA sensor name
  "ha_state_publishing_delay": 30, // Optional - delay between autodiscovery and publishing states.  Without this delay HA may well show unknown state for sensors

  "mqtt": {
    "url": "mqtt://",
    "username": "MQTT_USERNAME",
    "password": "MQTT_PASSWORD"
  "zones": {
    "default": { // Default zones configuration
      "off_delay": 30, // Optional auto off configuration for detectors. 0 to disable (default value: disabled)
      "name_prefix": "Sensor - " // A common prefix, added before all zone name
    "GARAGE": { // Override config for an individual zone (based on zone label)
      "off_delay": 0, // Disable off_delay for this zone.
      "device_class": "garage_door", // override device class for binary sensor. default to "motion". see HA documentation for available values
      "name": "Garage Door", // Override default name for this zone. Default to zone label
      "name_prefix": "" // Force zone name prefix to empty for this zone
  "partitions": {
    "default": {
      "name_prefix": "",
      "alarm_code_arm_required": false,  //Optional
      "alarm_code_disarm_required": false, //Optional
      "alarm_code": 1234 //Optional
    "1": {
      "name": "House"
    "2": {
      "name": "Garage"
  "user_outputs": {
    "default": {
      "name_prefix": ""
    "Up/over Trigger": { 
      "device_class": "none", 
      "name": "Garage door trigger RISCO", 
      "name_prefix": "" 
  "system_outputs": {
    "default": {
      "name_prefix": ""
    "Bell": { 
      "device_class": "sound", 
      "name": "Alarm Bell", 
      "name_prefix": "" 
    "Strobe": { 
      "device_class": "light", 
      "name": "Alarm Strobe", 
      "name_prefix": "" 
  "arming_modes": {
    "House": { // Name of partition to remap
      "armed_away": "armed_away",  //optional - default shown
      "armed_home": "armed_home",  //optional - default shown
      "armed_night": "armed_home",  //optional - default shown
      "armed_vacation": "armed_away",  //optional - default shown
      "armed_custom_bypass: "armed_group_A" // Optional.  Example of group arming (takes A/B/C/D).  Default here is "armed_away"

NB Ensure that zone description matches label stored in panel exactly (including case) to ensure that config is correctly represented.

Subscribe Topics

risco-mqtt-local subscribes at startup one topic for every partition in your risco alarm panel configuration.

Topic format is <risco_node_id>/alarm/<partition_id>/set where partition_id is the id of the partition

Payload could be : disarmed if risco panel is in disarmed mode,armed_home if risco panel is in armed at home mode and armed_away if risco panel is in armed away mode.

Publish Topics

risco-mqtt-local publishes one topic for every partition and for every zones in your risco alarm panel configuration.

Partition topics format is <risco_node_id>/alarm/<partition_id>/status where partition_id is the id of the partition

Default payload could be: disarmed if risco panel is in disarmed mode,armed_home if risco panel is in armed at home mode and armed_away if risco panel is in armed away mode, armed_custom_bypass if another mapping has been defined.

Zones topics format is <risco_node_id>/alarm/<partition_id>/<zone_id>/status where partition_id is the id of the partition and zone_id is the id of the zone.

Payload could be : triggered if zone is curently triggered, and idle if zone is currently idle.

In addition to every zone status, risco-mqtt-local publishes a topic for every zone with all the info of the zone in the payload in json format. Topics format is <risco_node_id>/alarm/<partition_id>/<zone_id> where partition_id is the id of the partition and zone_id is the id of the zone.

Zones that may be bypassed are published as switches at: <risco_alarm_panel>/alarm/<partition_id>/switch/<zone_id>-bypass. On some systems, Entry/exit zones may not be bypassed and so you can choose not to publish this by setting the filter_bypass_zones flag.

Battery-powered zones have separate sensors for the battery. These are published at: <risco_node_id>/alarm/<partition_id>/<zone_id>/battery. These only have a binary state.

Outputs are published as <risco_node_id/alarm>/<output_id>/status for sensor outputs. For outputs where interaction is possible, these are published as <risco_node_id>/alarm/<output_id>/status unless buttons, which are stateless. Switches/buttons are published to <risco_node_id>/alarm/<output_id>/set as subscribed topics.

The cloud proxy status is published at <risco_node_id>/alarm/cloudstatus if the cloud proxy is enabled.

Arming modes are shown in the configuration example above. All of these are optional. Defaults are shown. The syntax shown here must be used for mappings to work.

Home Assistant Auto Discovery

risco-mqtt-local supports mqtt auto discovery feature.

Default <discovery_prefix> is homeassistant. You can change it by overwriting the value within ha_discovery_prefix_topic config.

Home assistant auto discovery is republished on Home Assistant restart.

For multiple partitions, change risco_mqtt_topic in each installation.


First, create the config.json file. Only the first part of the file with system settings is mandatory. It's not necessary to describe all of the zones/partitions/sensors as these can be customized from the Home Assistant front end. I suggest using config-sample.json as a template. The bind mount location is /data in the container.

It needs to be strictly in json format.

Full configuration options - under "panel" heading (risco-lan-bridge)

Option Type Required Example (default) Description
panelIp string No '' IP address of panel
panelPort number No 1000 TCP port of panel
panelPassword string No "5678" TCP access password for panel
panelId string No "0001" Panel number (usually 0001)
guessPasswordAndPanelId boolean No true Autodiscover TCP access password (brute force)
panelConnectionDelay number No 10000 Delay before panel reconnected - cloud proxy connection (ms)
cloudConnectionDelay number No 5000 Delay before cloud reconnects (ms)
autoConnect boolean No true Panel connection automatically initiated
socketMode string No "direct" For single TCP socket connections should this act as a proxy for the cloud? ('direct' or 'proxy')
cloudPort number No 33000 Cloud port for proxy connection
listeningPort number No 33000 Panel cloud listening port for proxy connection
cloudUrl string No "" Cloud connection URL
commandsLog boolean No false Log commands (for debugging)
watchDogInterval number No 10 For HA add-on - watchdog interval
encoding string No utf-8
reconnectDelay number No 10000 Delay before reconnecting panel after disconnect (needs to be longer with newer panels)
badCRCLimit number No 10 Number of bad messages permitted (needs to be fewer with newer panels)
ntpServer string No "" Timer server
ntpPort number No 123 Timer server port

Full configuration options for risco-mqtt-local

Subheading Option Type Required Example (default) Description
log string No "info" Logging level - error/info/verbose/debug
logtofile boolean No false Logs to file risco.log in config location
ha_discovery_prefix_topic string No "homeassistant" Home assistant discovery prefix
risco_mqtt_topic string No "risco-alarm-panel" Topic for state changes - allows multiple panels
filter_bypass_zones boolean No true risco-mqtt-local filters those zones which can't be bypassed (entry/exit zones)
alarm_system_name string No "Risco Alarm" Device name prefix for HA entities
ha_state_publishing_delay number No 30 Introduces delay after publishing discovery message so that HA can process (otherwise states not shown)
"url" string Yes none MQTT url including port eg "mqtt://"
"username" string No none
"password" string No none
"name_prefix" string No ""
"name" string No none
"alarm_code_arm_required" boolean No false
"alarm_code_disarm_required" boolean No false
"armed_away" string No "armed_away" Mapping of HA armed_away button to Risco
"armed_home" string No "armed_home" Mapping of HA armed_home button to Risco
"armed_night" string No "armed_home" Mapping of HA armed_night button to Risco
"armed_vacation" string No "armed_away" Mapping of HA armed_vacation button to Risco
"armed_custom_bypass" string No "armed_away" Mapping of HA armed_custom_bypass button to Risco. Also takes armed_group_X (where X is A/B/C/D)
"off_delay" number No 30 Prevents binary sensors being permanently on
"name_prefix" string No none Name prefixed to every sensor
"off_delay" number No 30 Prevents binary sensors being permanently on
"name" string No none Name of sensor
"name_prefix" string No none "" empties name prefix for this zone
"name_prefix" string No none Name prefixed to every user output
"user_outputs":{"Up/Over Trigger":{
"device_class" string No none HA Device class of user definable output (button for pulsed, switch for toggle)
"name" string No none Name of output
"name_prefix" string No none "" empties name prefix for this zone
"name_prefix" string No none Name prefixed to every system output
"system_outputs":{"Alarm bell":{
"device_class" string No none HA Device class of user definable output (see binary_sensor device classes)
"name" string No none Name of output
"name_prefix" string No none "" empties name prefix for this zone


Bug reports

Please use the bug issue template and fill all requested informations, including debug logs and commands logs.


The bulk of this work was completed by vanackej. I've adapted this and updated it, mainly for my purposes. Thanks to pergolafabio for the proxy testing.

Thanks to TJForc for the local communication library and Alessandro Mancini for his initial work.