markziemann / background

Analysis of enrichment background
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Two subtle problems with over-representation analysis

Over-representation analysis is frequently used to determine the functionally important themes from gene lists. These gene lists are classified in different ways, but are commonly defined by differential regulation in omics experiments like RNA-seq, proteomics or micro-array. Many different tools are available to conduct this type of analysis including DAVID and Enricher.

For the results to be reliable, the gene list needs to be provided together with a background list. The background list is the full list of genes that were reliably detected by the assay. This is important, because these assays typically cannot detect all genes reliably due to technical limitations. As different tissues express genes very differently, the right background list is critical to obtain the functional categories that are specific to the experiment conducted. Using a generic background list of all annotated genes could lead to a major bias.

Additionally, as such analyses involve the analysis of hundreds of functional categories in parallel, the resulting p-values cannot be taken at face value due to the high rate of false positives. To mitigate this, false discovery rate correction is applied to adjust the p-values.

In this work we highlight two subtle issues with some popular implementations of over-representation analysis.

Genes without annotated categories are discarded

The first issue related to how the background list is defined. If a user does the right thing and provides a background list along with the foreground list, then some tools will exclude any genes from the background that do not have any annotated functional categories. This results in a large fraction of genes in the background being excluded, and the enrichment ratio being unreliable. This issue is more severe for analyses that involve smaller libraries of functional annotations. For example KEGG has annotations for a few thousand genes, meaning most of the background genes get discarded.

p-value adjustment is applied incorrectly

The second issue is that the false discovery rate is implemented incorrectly. ORA enrichment tools intersect the gene list with each functional category and return results for each functional category with at least one common gene. But there are some functional categories with zero genes in common with the gene list. These are excluded from the end results. The process of attempting to intersect these categories with the submitted gene list is itself a test, and so statistically speaking, the result of that failed test should be reported in the final results with no overlaps and a p-value of 1. This may not be a problem when running enrichment analysis on a gene list with 3000 members, but it might be serious when it is small, like <200 members. This results in adjusted p-values being slightly smaller than they should be.

Work plan

The overall aim of this work is to determine the impact of such problems on typical enrichment analyses.

Determining the impact of each bug

The approach we will take is to collect several molecular profile datasets and several gene set databases, and systematically determine the effect of these two problems on all the combinations.

Justification of best practice with simulations

It may be argued that these concerns are minor for most researchers, so simulations can be used to show that it does impact results.

Simulated gene expression profiles with selected changes will undergo analysis using a tool with the bugs (clusterProfiler::enricher) and one without the bugs (fgsea::fora).


Finally, the article will give practical steps to mitigate this problem. Simply, GSEA algorithms don't suffer from this problem and avoids other problems too. If ORA must be used, fora() is recommended, but it lacks enrichment score output, which is important for prioritising results. Here, we can write a patch to output fora() fold enrichment score and contribute to fgsea package.


The enviornment and all R packages for reproducing this work are available at DockerHub.

Reproduction requires a system with 32 threads and 64 GB RAM.

# fetch image
docker pull mziemann/background
# run bash in container
docker run -it mziemann/background bash
# get updated codes
git pull
# go to the analysis folder and execute main script
cd analysis && Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("main.Rmd")'
# once complete, exit
# copy results to new folder
mkdir docker_results
docker cp  `docker ps -alq`:/background docker_results

The docker_results should contain the completed R markdown reports and a compiled manuscript too.

Shiny app

We have an app that can demonstrate of the effect of these two problems on your own data! Install docker on your system, pull the image below and run the app over port 3838.

docker pull mziemann/background_app
docker run -p 3838:3838 mziemann/background_app

Then use your web browser with the address localhost:3838 and the app will appear. In the app you can upload your own foreground and background lists, select the desired gene pathway database and see the effect of these errors on the results.