Free your notes by converting them to Markdown.
Download: Linux | Windows | MacOS
For detailed information, take a look at the Documentation.
If this app is useful for you, feel free to star it on github.
Export data from your app and convert it to Markdown. For details, click on the links.
Import a single file or a folder (recursively). Files of these formats will be converted to Markdown. The formats can be mixed. For example you can import a folder with two Asciidoc files and one docx file. The conversion result will be a folder with three Markdown files and the corresponding attachments.
A | Asciidoc |
C | CSV |
D | DocBook | docx |
E | eml | EPUB |
F | Fountain |
H | HTML |
J | Jupyter Notebook |
M | Markdown |
MediaWiki |
O | ODT |
R | reStructuredText | RTF |
T | txt2tags |
flowchart LR
A[App 1] -->|Backup| M
B[App 2] -->|Export| M
C[...] --> M
D[Filesystem] --> M
M(ZIP archive/JSON/Folder) --> N
N{jimmy} --> O(Markdown + Frontmatter)
O -->|Import| P[Joplin]
O -->|Import| Q[Obsidian]
O --> R[...]
O --> S[Editor, e. g. VSCode]
, which converts your notes to MarkdownFor detailed instructions, see the page of the specific format.
# import a single file supported by pandoc
jimmy-cli-linux libre_office_document.odt
# import all files in a folder
jimmy-cli-linux path/to/folder
# import a Google Keep export
jimmy-cli-linux --format google_keep
After conversion, the notes should be available in a folder named like YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS - Import
. Make sure your data is converted properly :exclamation:
What is converted (in most cases)?
If something is not working, please check the issues first. If you can't find anything, feel free to create a new issue. It might be just not implemented yet or a regression. On the other side, the exported data can be sparse. In that case it's not possible to transfer the data with jimmy.
This is an example of a successful conversion:
$ jimmy-cli-linux .cache/google_keep/ --format google_keep --frontmatter joplin
[09/19/24 15:15:34] INFO Importing notes from ".cache/google_keep/"
INFO Start parsing
INFO Finished parsing: 1 notebooks, 3 notes, 1 resources, 3 tags
INFO Start filtering
INFO Finished filtering: 1 notebooks, 3 notes, 1 resources, 3 tags
INFO Start writing to file system
INFO Converted notes successfully to Markdown: "20240919T131534Z - Jimmy Import from google_keep". Please verify that everything was converted correctly.
INFO Feel free to open an issue on Github, write a message at the Joplin forum or an email.
Notebooks 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00]
Notes 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00]
Resources 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00]
Tags 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00]