marq24 / ha-goecharger-api2

HA integration for go-eCharger series (V3 and higher) communicate via the HTTP API v2.0. [supporting 148 of 172 API-Keys]. Please note, that this integration is not official and not supported by the go-e developer team. This project is not affiliated with in any way.
Apache License 2.0
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FYI: troubles in 56.8 go-echarger firmware [PV surplus charging without go-eController] #11

Closed try2codesecure closed 1 week ago

try2codesecure commented 1 month ago


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I'm running this integration with the latest home assistant and an go-eCharger V4, firmware 56.2. But with go-e firmware 56.8 the integration stops working & didn't start loading (in my case). It seems there are some api changes in the go-echarger firmware.

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marq24 commented 1 month ago

From what I read in the different links you shared there are no changes in the API - how I read it, it's new Firmware (of the Wallbox) that needs a "fix"...

So for now downgrade again from the Firmware 56.8 to something that worked before - since, for me looks like that multiple other things (like evcc) also does not work correctly with the new Firmware - so might be that there is nothing I can fix with the HA integration...

erxbout commented 1 month ago

The linked issue on our side describes a bug where the homeassistant mqtt autodiscovery topics are always written when having the newest firmware..

This should not affect any other function of the charger, if so I would need more details..

marq24 commented 1 month ago


The linked issue on our side describes a bug where the homeassistant mqtt autodiscovery topics are always written when having the newest firmware..

thanks for this clarification - since I am not so deep into the mqtt stuff I did not followed this in detail - now I understand, that the issue of the mqtt based integration is not related to the report of @try2codesecure with this local polling based one - check...

This should not affect any other function of the charger, if so I would need more details...

I am wondering more about the post from steve0564 @ evcc [] - if this could be related? In any case as soon as I am able to test this locally I will come back to your go-eCharger github repro - right now the car is fully charged and it will take same days before re-charging will be required. But since 'this' integration here is just accessing the documented API's I am currently a bit clueless.

marq24 commented 1 month ago

@try2codesecure you might have some more details for us what you mean with the integration stops working & didn't start loading... is this related to the pv-surplus automation? Or is it, that in the HA GUI you start the charging - then the question via which controls? ('s)

try2codesecure commented 1 month ago

Sure. Im running the integraton with the Huawei sensors (SUN/LUNA2000).

service: goecharger_api2.set_pv_data data: pgrid: "{{states('sensor.power_meter_wirkleistung')|float*-1}}"

Trace: `Ausgeführt: 14. Juli 2024 um 10:45:20 Ergebnis:

params: domain: goecharger_api2 service: set_pv_data service_data: pgrid: -3247 target: {} running_script: false `

It works good with the 56.1 & 56.2 go-e firmware. But after the upgrade to 56.8 it doesn't start the loading in the ECO mode anymore. There are no other changes between. Currently my car is loading, I'll try to recreate the error again until next weekend with FW 56.8.

try2codesecure commented 1 month ago

To clarify, i also think that the problem is not related to your integration. I just want to link the problem that other integration users avoid those "pitfalls".

marq24 commented 1 month ago

ok - so we are talking then about the pv-surplus charging feature (without additional go-eController) - just providing the pgrid via HA automation...

Not sure if you have noticed, that in the past week I have updated (in the docs) the info [acp added]:

Do not forget this important settings

Once you have enabled the automation, you also need to:

in the setting of your go-eCharger - this can be done via the integration!

karliwalti commented 1 month ago

I can confirm to have also issues after upgrading to firmware 56.8 and PV surplus charging.

In my setup, the charger caps the current on each phase to max 5A. When there was enough power from PV, I did do the phase switch to 3 phases, but still only 5A on each phase. Downgrade to 56.1 did work again, but unfortunately the sun was then soon gone.

You can nicely see how PV did not go into car: image

How L1 was limited to 5A (I did downgrade FW around 14:30 ) image

Go-e did see the surplus (so API transmits correct values), but charger did nothing: image

Settings were correct: image image image

There have been no errors reported.

It does not seem to be linked to the APi2 but more likely to some firmware changes that mess with the PV surplus charging algorithm. Wloud be great to have access to the FW changelog. The app does not show one for 56.2 and 56.8. The weirdest thing is that the API can only limit current to minimum of 6A number.goe_259493_ama (and mine was set to 16A), so not sure how a cap of 5A is even possible.

marq24 commented 1 month ago


On the one hand it might be nice for other users of this integration to get the confirmation, that something after the firmware update stopped working, on the other hand side we can't expect, that anybody from go-e will follow here this issue. So the information you have provided should (IMHO) provided directly to go-e (creating there an issue) - typically they reply quite fast.

What I am wondering about is, that if there is an issue with PV surplus charging with the new firmware, then I would expect that all users (even go-eController owners) should have the same problems (like you just described).

mr-gosh commented 1 month ago

Should all of this also work with two go-e chargers connected? Just wondering if I should open a bugreport if the ha-automation works only for one of the two chargers with the same settings.

marq24 commented 1 month ago

@mr-gosh your question is IMHO a bit "off topic" here... When you have two go-eChargers and have configured both in HA, and when you then use this integration to send your GRID-export data to both instances I would assume, that then both chargers will try to consume this available energy...

IMHO (but I could be totally wrong) you have to distribute the available power "manually" to Charger1 and Charger2 (e.g. by simply divide the sensor data by 2)... Obviously only if both chargers have cars connected. I would kindly ask you to start a new discussion for your "dual" use case. - TIA

karliwalti commented 1 week ago

@marq24 The issue with firmware 56.8 seems to exist no longer. From my perspective, the issue could be closed