marq24 / ha-goecharger-api2

HA integration for go-eCharger series (V3 and higher) communicate via the HTTP API v2.0. [supporting 148 of 172 API-Keys]. Please note, that this integration is not official and not supported by the go-e developer team. This project is not affiliated with in any way.
Apache License 2.0
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Home Assistant Integration 'go-eCharger APIv2 Connect'


Support for all go-eCharger Wallboxes supporting the APIv2 - of course the APIv2 have to be enabled via the go-eCharger mobile app, before you can use this integration [see instructions].

Please note, that this integration is not official and not supported by the go-e development team. I am not affiliated with in any way. This integration is based on the go-e API and the go-e API documentation.

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latest successfully testes go-eCharger Firmware Version: 56.2

The latest go-eCharger firmware 56.8 have not been fully tested with this integration (yet) - So if you have issues with this integration after you updated your go-eCharger firmware higher than 56.2 - as reported here: #11 - then please be so kind and downgrade the firmware again. TIA

Main features


Please be aware, that we are developing this integration to best of our knowledge and belief, but cant give a guarantee. Therefore, use this integration at your own risk.



via HACS

  1. Add a custom integration repository to HACS:
  2. Install the custom integration
  3. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "go-eCharger APIv2 Connect"
  4. Setup the go-eCharger custom integration as described below

manual steps

  1. Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find configuration.yaml).
  2. If you do not have a custom_components directory (folder) there, you need to create it.
  3. In the custom_components directory (folder) create a new folder called goecharger_api2.
  4. Download all the files from the custom_components/goecharger_api2/ directory (folder) in this repository.
  5. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory (folder) you created.
  6. Restart Home Assistant
  7. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "go-eCharger APIv2 Connect"

Adding or enabling the integration

My Home Assistant (2021.3+)

Just click the following Button to start the configuration automatically:

Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

Manual steps

Use the following steps for a manual configuration by adding the custom integration using the web interface and follow instruction on screen:

After the integration was added you can use the 'config' button to adjust your settings, you can additionally modify the update interval

Please note, that some of the available sensors are not enabled by default.

Enable PV Surplus Charging via HA automation

When you use this integration you do not need any additional hardware (go-eController) in order to allow PV surplus charging. The only thing that is required to add a Home Assistant automation fetching the data from your grid & solar power entities and provide this data to a service of this integration.

If you are not familiar with 'creating an automation in Home Assistant', then you might like to start with a tutorial explaining the basics of automations in HA.

Please note, that only the pgrid value is required - the other two fields/sensors are just optional.

Do not forget this important settings

Once you have enabled the automation, you also need to:

in the setting of your go-eCharger - this can be done via the integration!

Please note: in order to be able to enable 'Use PV surplus' in the go-eCharger Application you must also configure the "Flexibler Energietarif" [specify "Preisgrenze", "Country", "Anbieter", "Tarif" and so on] even though the "Flexibler Energietarif" switch is "OFF" Probably a bug in the go-echarger software?

Example automation

Please note that this example is for a for SENEC.Home System - if you are using 'my' SENEC.Home Integration you can use the code below 1:1 - in any other case: You must adjust/replace the sensor identifiers!!!. So if you are not a SENEC.Home user please replace the following:

alias: go-e PV surplus charging brigde
description: >-
  Simple automation to provide your go-eChargers with the required data so that the wallbox can support PV surplus charging.
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /5
condition: []
  - service: goecharger_api2.set_pv_data
      pgrid: "{{states('sensor.senec_grid_state_power')}}"
      ppv:  "{{states('sensor.senec_solar_generated_power')}}"
      pakku: "{{states('sensor.senec_battery_state_power')}}"
mode: single

In case when your (grid) sensor need to be inverted

In some cases (when using other solar system integrations) you might run into the situation, that the grid sensor value is positive when you are exporting power to the grid (and negative when you import power from the grid). In this case you need to invert the value of your grid sensor. In HA this can be done very easy via the so called 'pipe' functionality inside templates.

Here is a simple example (just inserted a | float * -1) - which takes the sensor value and convert it to a floating point number (from a string) and then multiply it with -1)

  - service: goecharger_api2.set_pv_data
      pgrid: "{{states('sensor.other_grid_state_power')|float*-1}}"

Having multiple go-eChargers in your HA installation?

When you have more than one go-eCharger in your HA installation, you must provide an additional attribute configid in order to let the service know which charger should be used! This configid is the ConfigEntryId of the Integration for your multiple chargers and can look like this 01J4GR20JPFQ7M888Q4C9YAR31.

The simples way to find the corresponding ConfigEntryId's of your multiple configured go-eCharger integrations is by using the GUI of the Service, activate the optional selection field, select the charger and then switch (from GUI) to YAML-Mode mode - this will show you the configid you must use. [See this image for details]

  - service: goecharger_api2.set_pv_data
      configid: 01J4GR20JPFQ7M888Q4C9YAR31

Please note, that this is only required, if you have multiple go-eChargers configured via this integration your HA installation.

Optional - Force stop charging when PV power is too low

Unfortunately, it might happen [reported by a user] that the go-eCharger does not finish charging in ECO mode using the PV power (in a timely manner). If you run into the same situation, then you can ensure that charging stops when there is no longer enough PV power, by adding the following automation:

You need to adjust the entity ids: switch.goe_012345_fup, sensor.goe_012345_nrg_11 and sensor.goe_012345_pvopt_averagepgrid (replace the 012345 with your serial number) and your preferred threshold when this automation should be executed (the above: -200 for the pvopt_averagepgrid means, that as soon as the average power you export to the grid is less than 200 watt the automation will be triggered).

alias: go-e FORCE STOP of PV surplus charging
description: >-
  Simple automation to ensure that the go-eCharger will stop charging when average PV will drop below given threshold
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /5
  - condition: state
    entity_id: switch.goe_012345_fup
    state: "on"
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.goe_012345_nrg_11
    above: 200    
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.goe_012345_pvopt_averagepgrid
    above: -200
  - service: goecharger_api2.stop_charging
mode: single

Hibernation-Mode - Good to know

This integration will not always fetch all sensor data from your wallbox. For example the configuration values - they probably do not change every 5 sec. - so in order to reduce the overall system load the integration will refresh the configuration entities just every 24h - OR when you make adjustments to any of the go-eCharger settings via HA. If you want to manually sync the configuration sensors, then you can use the button.goe_[serial]_zfocore [^1] ['Read Configuration' button].

Additionally, to the configuration values the number of entities that will be refreshed when no vehicle is connected (car state = 'Idle'), is also drastically reduced. In this case, the integration will only read the full data set every 5 minutes from your wallbox.

So the integration have some sort of hibernation-mode in which only the following entities will be frequently read from your wallbox (based on the configured update interval):

and when you make use of the PV Surplus Charging fature additionally the values for:

Once the car status will switch from idle (=1) to something different the integration will leave the hibernation-mode and update all the (none configuration) entities with the configured update interval.

Enable HTTP API v2 in go-eCharger App [v4.x]

[screenshots are from the Android version]

  1. Start the go-eCharger App

  2. Select 'Setting' (lower main button bar)

  3. Select 'Connection' section as shown here:


  4. Select 'API Settings' section as shown here:


  5. Toggle the 'Allow local HTTP API v2' as shown here:


Enable HTTP API v2 in go-eCharger App [v3.x]

[screenshots are from the Android version]

  1. Start the go-eCharger App
  2. Select 'Internet'
  3. Enable 'Advanced Settings' as shown here:


  4. Toggle the 'Access to /api/status and /api/set API' (Allow local HTTP API v2) as shown here:


  5. DO not forget to press the save Icon!

List of (currently) not handled API keys (24/172)

Just as reference here is the list of API keys that the current implementation of the integration will not handle:

Want to report an issue?

Please use the GitHub Issues for reporting any issues you encounter with this integration. Please be so kind before creating a new issues, check the closed ones, if your problem have been already reported (& solved).

1. Consider providing DEBUG Log output

In order to speed up the support process you might like already prepare and provide DEBUG log output. In the case of a technical issue, I would need this DEBUG log output to be able to help/fix the issue. There is a short tutorial/guide 'How to provide DEBUG log' here - please take the time to quickly go through it.

For this integration you need to add:

  default: warning
    custom_components.goecharger_api2: debug

2. In case of implausible data

It will happen, that the data that is displayed by this integration does not make much sense (to you) - aka 'the data is not plausible'. Of course it could be the case, that something in this integration has been messed up - but so far - in all reported issues the root cause of implausible data was/is, that the go-eCharger device itself already provided this data [you can check this by directly requesting the attribute from the wallbox]

Each sensor of this integration have an API-Key identifier in its entity ID. You can manually request values from your wallbox by using this API key via a regular web browser.

E.g. assuming the value of the sensor in question is sensor.goe_123456_tpa and your wallbox is reachable via the IP, then you can request/read the 'original' value via the following link (where tpa is the API key):

so the pattern is:


If the plain data that will be returned in such a request is matching the data displayed by the integration, then I would kindly ask t get in contact with go-eCharger, since in such a case the integration is just the 'messenger'.

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Switch to Tibber!

Be smart switch to Tibber - that's what I did in october 2023. If you want to join Tibber (become a customer), you might want to use my personal invitation link. When you use this link, Tibber will we grant you and me a bonus of 50,-€ for each of us. This bonus then can be used in the Tibber store (not for your power bill) - e.g. to buy a Tibber Bridge. If you are already a Tibber customer and have not used an invitation link yet, you can also enter one afterward in the Tibber App (up to 14 days). [see official Tibber support article]

Please consider using my personal Tibber invitation link to join Tibber today or Enter the following code: 6o0kqvzf (six, oscar, zero, kilo, quebec, victor, zulu, foxtrot) afterward in the Tibber App - TIA!


[^1]: focore stands for: FOrce COnfiguration REquest