marq24 / ha-goecharger-api2

HA integration for go-eCharger series (V3 and higher) & go-eController communicate via the HTTP API v2.0. Please note, that this integration is not official and not supported by the go-e developer team. This project is not affiliated with in any way.
Apache License 2.0
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Add cll to #12

Closed karliwalti closed 3 months ago

karliwalti commented 4 months ago


cll seem to provide interesting information about current limits. This seems to be a verbose field, so not sure how easy it would be to integrate in HA ?

API Keys

marq24 commented 4 months ago

Hi Walter,

I have to check, if & how the values of this field are translated (or need translations)... and where I could find them (the translations + keys).

Have that said I have also noticed that beside cll there are 98 other "new" API keys that are some sort of documented... probably I will not add all of them - but some of these might be useful (just like cll)...

    # avgfhz | R | TYPE | Status | Stromnetz average frequency (~50Hz)
    # awpl | W | TYPE | Status | awattar price list, timestamps are measured in unix-time, seconds since 1970
    # bar | R/W | TYPE | Config | Button Allow WiFi AP reset (0=AlwaysLock, 1=LockWhenCarIsConnected, 2=LockWhenCarIsCharging, 3=NeverLock)
    # ccd | R | TYPE | Status | Connected controller data cch | R/W | TYPE | Config | color_charging, format: #RRGGBB
    # cle | R | TYPE | Status | Cloud last error
    # clea | R | TYPE | Status | Cloud last error (age)
    # cll | R | TYPE | Status | Current limits list
    # cmmr | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsMaxResults
    # cmp | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsProto
    # cms | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsService
    # cmse | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsScanEnabled, set to false to completely disable any MDNS searches (debugging)
    # csa | R | TYPE | Status | controller scan active
    # ct | R/W | TYPE | Config | car type, free text string (max. 64 characters)
    # ctrls | R | TYPE | Status | Controllers search result
    # data | R | TYPE | Status | grafana token from cloud for app
    # di1 | R/W | TYPE | Config | digital Input 1-phase
    # die | R/W | TYPE | Config | digital Input Enabled
    # dii | R/W | TYPE | Config | digital Input Inverted
    # dll | R | TYPE | Status | download link for app csv export
    # dsrc | R | TYPE | Status | inverter data source
    # gmtr | R/W | TYPE | Config | gridMonitoringTimeReconnection in seconds
    # gsa | R/W | TYPE | Status | gridMonitoring last failure
    # hai | R/W | TYPE | Config | httpApiEnabled (allows /api/status and /api/set requests)
    # hla | R/W | TYPE | Config | httpLegacyApiEnabled (allows /status and /mqtt requests)
    # la1 | R/W | TYPE | Config | limit adapter 1-phase (in A)
    # la3 | R/W | TYPE | Config | limit adapter 3-phase (in A)
    # lbl | R | TYPE | Config | lastButtonHoldLong
    # lcs | R | TYPE | Status | last controller scan timestamp in milliseconds since boot time
    # lopr | R/W | TYPE | Config | load balancing protected
    # lrc | R | TYPE | Status | last rfid card index
    # lri | R | TYPE | Status | last rfid id (only available when sendRfid)
    # lrr | R | TYPE | Status | last rfid read (milliseconds since boot)
    # lto | R | TYPE | Status | local time offset in milliseconds, tab + rbt + lto = local time
    # lwf | R | TYPE | Status | last wifi connect failed (milliseconds since boot)
    # mcc | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT connected
    # mcca | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT connected (age)
    # mce | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT enabled
    # mcr | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT readonly (don't allow api writes from mqtt broker)
    # mcs | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT started
    # mcu | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT broker url
    # men | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave enabled
    # mhe | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT enable homeassistant discovery
    # mht | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT homeassistant topic prefix (set to null to reset back to the default)
    # mlr | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT last error
    # mlra | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT last error (age)
    # mqcn | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT skipCertCommonNameCheck
    # mqg | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT useGlobalCaStore
    # mqss | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT skipServerVerification
    # msb | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave swap bytes
    # msp | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave port (requires off/on toggle)
    # msr | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave swap registers
    # mtp | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT topic prefix (set to null to reset back to the default)
    # ocppao | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId
    # ocppcm | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP LocalAuthListEnabled
    # ocppcs | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP connector status (0=Available, 1=Preparing, 2=Charging, 3=SuspendedEVSE, 4=SuspendedEV, 5=Finishing, 6=Reserved, 7=Unavailable, 8=Faulted)
    # ocppf | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP fallback current
    # ocppla | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP LocalAuthListEnabled
    # ocpplo | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP LocalAuthorizeOffline
    # ocppti | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP transaction id
    # pco | R | TYPE | Config | controllerCloudKey
    # pdi | R/W | TYPE | Config | protect Digital Input
    # pgr | R/W | TYPE | Config | protect Grid Requirements
    # rdbf | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartFlexibleTariffCharging in seconds
    # rdbfe | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartFlexibleTariffChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStartFlexibleTariffCharging)
    # rdbs | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartScheduledCharging in seconds
    # rdbse | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartScheduledChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStartScheduledCharging)
    # rde | R/W | TYPE | Config | send rfid serial to cloud/api/mqtt (enable lri api key to show rfid numbers)
    # rdef | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopFlexibleTariffCharging in seconds
    # rdefe | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopFlexibleTariffChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStopFlexibleTariffCharging)
    # rdes | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopScheduledCharging in seconds
    # rdese | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopScheduledChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStopScheduledCharging)
    # rdpl | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayWhenPluggingCar in seconds
    # rdple | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayWhenPluggingCarEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayWhenPluggingCar)
    # rdre | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayReconnection in seconds
    # rdree | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayReconnectionEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayReconnection)
    # rmaf | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMaximumFrequency in Hz
    # rmav | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMaximumVoltage in Volt
    # rmif | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMinimumFrequency in Hz
    # rmiv | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMinimumVoltage in Volt
    # rsa | R/W | TYPE | Status | rampup started at
    # rsre | R/W | TYPE | Config | rampupAtStartAndReconnectionEnabled
    # rsrr | R/W | TYPE | Config | rampupAtStartAndReconnectionRate in %/s
    # smd | R | TYPE | Status | smart meter data
    # t0h | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T0H
    # t0l | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T0L
    # t1h | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T1H
    # t1l | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T1L
    # tab | R | TYPE | Status | time at boot in utc in milliseconds, add rbt to get to current utc time
    # tcl | R/W | TYPE | Config | temporary current limit (does not change the user current limit, will be reset after 10min if not updated regulary)
    # tsi | R | TYPE | Status | transaction start rfidid (only available when sendRfid)
    # tzt | R/W | TYPE | Config | timezone type, freetext string for app selection
    # ufa | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control activation threshold
    # ufe | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control enabled
    # ufm | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control mode (TypeNominal=0, TypeActual=1)
    # ufs | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control stop frequency
    # wbw | R | TYPE | Config | WiFi Bandwidth (for both AP and STA) WIFI_BW_HT20=1, WIFI_BW_HT40=2
    # wda | R/W | TYPE | Config | disable AccessPoint when cloud is connected
    # wsl | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi STA error messages log
marq24 commented 4 months ago

added a first cll "plain list" with (partial translated keys) version in 2024.7.1

marq24 commented 3 months ago

@karliwalti can we close this?

karliwalti commented 3 months ago

Yes, this field is informative and useful, it works. thank you!