marschall / memoryfilesystem

An in memory implementation of a JSR-203 file system
282 stars 36 forks source link

Module descriptor or module name seems to have gone away #143

Closed io7m closed 1 year ago

io7m commented 1 year ago
$ bnd print memoryfilesystem-2.5.0.jar

Build-Jdk-Spec                          1.8
Bundle-ActivationPolicy                 lazy
Bundle-Description                      An in memory implementation of a JSR-203 file system.
Bundle-ManifestVersion                  2
Bundle-Name                             Memory File System
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment     JavaSE-1.8
Bundle-SymbolicName                     com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version                          2.5.0
Created-By                              Maven JAR Plugin 3.3.0
Export-Package                          com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem;version="2.5.0"
Import-Package                          javax.annotation;resolution:=optional
Manifest-Version                        1.0
Require-Capability            ;filter:="(&("


  javax.annotation                       {resolution:=optional}

  com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem  {version=2.5.0}

There's no Automatic-Module-Name, and:

$ unzip -l memoryfilesystem-2.5.0.jar | grep module

... no module-info.class.

io7m commented 1 year ago

Version 2.4.0 did have an explicit module descriptor, so I'm not sure what happened.

marschall commented 1 year ago

No idea yet why it is missing from the release JAR. When I build it locally it is present.

marschall commented 1 year ago

I released 2.5.1 which at least locally has a module-info.class

io7m commented 1 year ago

Thanks! That appears to have fixed it. There's a module-info.class there now.