A simple Android App that lets the user add, modify, and delete items from a todo list.
Time spent:
- original feature set: 15 hours spent in total
- extra codepath feature set: 20 hours spent in total
- additional updates (12/23/2014): 30 hours
Original required user stories:
- [x] Required: User can add new items to the list - implemented
- [x] Required: User can delete items from the list - implemented
- [x] Required: User can edit items in the list - implemented
- [x] Required: User's data presist after lelaunching application - implemented
Extra CodePath features:
- [x] Persisting Todo items into SQLite instead of text file
- [x] Added support for completion due dates for todo items
- [x] Styled todo items in the list using a custom adapter
- [x] Added support for selecting priority for todo items (and display it in listview item)
- [x] Tweaked the style improving UI, (added with colors, and images, text truncation with ellipses)
Additional updates 12/23/2014
- [x] Added custom theme
- [x] pripority icons are programatically generated instead of static images
- [x] items can be checked off the list
- [x] impemented viewholder design pattern
- [x] added scrollview to all screens
- [x] created options menu with the following new features:
- [x] Delete checked items
- [x] Sort items by priority
- [x] Sort items by due date
- [x] Tasks are now correctly sortable by due date (1/6/2015)