martiensk / vuex-jsdoc

A JSDoc plugin for documenting Vuex modules.
9 stars 2 forks source link


I am not supporting this plugin anymore, although I will still review and merge PRs. If anyone feels like taking over this project please let me know.


A JsDoc plugin for documenting Vuex modules.

Why would I do this?

I'm a sucker for clean and concise documentation. I used to document my Vuex modules using namespaces and typedefs already built in in JsDoc, but after a while found these mechanisms frustrating as they just could not do what I wanted them to.


This plugin creates custom tags for Vuex getters, mutations and actions.


You need to have node-js set up and configured. Next, you need to install JsDoc:

npm i -D jsdoc

After that, you should install this plugin as a global package:

npm i -g jsdoc-vuex-plugin

To enable the plugin in JsDoc, add the relevant configuration option in your jsdoc.conf:


  "tags": {
    "allowUnknownTags": true
  "source": {
    "include": ["."],
    "exclude": [ "node_modules" ],
    "includePattern": ".+\\.js(doc|x)?$",
    "excludePattern": ""
  "plugins": ["jsdoc-vuex-plugin"],
  "templates": {
    "cleverLinks": false,
    "monospaceLinks": false

Run JsDoc with the --config flag and point to the path of your jsdoc.conf.

Vuex tags

The state

I have not bothered to create custom tags for the Vuex state. To document the Vuex state I have selected to simply use the existing @property tag, like so:

 * The Vuex 'state' object.
 * @name State
 * @type {object}
 * @property {boolean} boolProp This property is a boolean.
 * @property {string} strProp This property is a string.
 * @property {number} numProp This property is a number.


The @getter tag uses the following syntax:

@getter {return_type} getter_name=state_property_returned And a description.


 * The module 'getters' object.
 * @name Getters
 * @type {object}
 * @getter {boolean} getBoolProp=boolProp Returns a boolean property.
 * @getter {string} getStrProp=strProp Returns a string property.
 * @getter {boolean} getNumProp=numProp Returns a property that is a number.

(inner) Getters :object

Name Returns Type Returns State Property Description
getBoolProp boolean boolProp Returns a boolean property.
getStrProp string strProp Returns a string property.
getNumProp number numProp Returns a property that is a number.



The _@mutator tag uses the following syntax:

@mutator {accepts_type} mutator_name=state_property_to_mutate And a description.


 * The module 'setters' object.
 * @name Getters
 * @type {object}
 * @mutator {boolean} setBoolProp=boolProp Sets the state boolean property.
 * @mutator {string} setStrProp=strProp Sets the state string property.
 * @mutator {number} setNumProp=numProp Sets the state numerical property.

(inner) Mutations :object

Name Accepts Type Mutates State Property Description
setBoolProp boolean boolProp Sets the state boolean property.
setStrProp string strProp Sets the state string property.
setNumProp number numProp Sets the state numerical property.



The @action tag should not be documented liek an object, but rather like a method. I chose this approach due to their asynchronous nature.

The @action tag should be documented like this:

@action action_name=state_property_affected

Here is an example:

 * Blah blah blah description.
 * @action updateStrProp=strProp
 * @param {string} word A string parameter for example purposes.
 * @returns {void}
updateStrProp({ commit }, word) {
    const ajaxResult = getResult();/// Some Ajax here...
    commit('setStrProp', `${word} blah blah blah ${ajaxResult}`);

action updateTrackingLb(metric) → {void}

Blah blah blah description.
Vuex Action => Mutates state property strProp
Name Type Description
word string A string parameter for example purposes.
void # Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. # License MIT # Special Thanks To __Brad van der Laan__ who authored the awesome [jsdoc-route-plugin](, a project that provides custom JsDoc tags inteded to be used when documenting Express routes, and also the project that I very shamelessly used as an example when I wrote this plugin.