martijnboland / MvcPaging

ASP.NET MVC Paging HTML helper
MIT License
290 stars 144 forks source link

The MvcPaging library contains an ASP.NET MVC HTML helper that renders a pager based on given parameters. A live demo can be found at

Important information for ASP.NET Core users

This library doesn't support ASP.NET Core. Visit for the logical successor of this library. Thanks Joe for the effort!

Usage (Razor / pseudo code):

@Html.Pager(pageSize, pageNumber, totalItemCount)

Options are added via the Options method:

@Html.Pager(pageSize, pageNumber, totalItemCount).Options(o => o
    .AddRouteValue("q", mySearchQuery)

Possible options:

Action(string action)
    Sets an alternative action for the pager that is different from the current action

Action(string action, string controller)
    Sets an alternative action and controller for the pager that is different from the current

AddRouteValue(string name, object value)
    Adds a single route value parameter that is added to page url's

AddRouteValueFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
    Adds a strongly typed route value parameter based on the current model
    (e.g. AddRouteValueFor(m => m.SearchQuery))

RouteValues(object routeValues)
    Adds route value parameters that are added to the page url's

RouteValues(RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
    Adds route value parameters that are added to the page url's

DisplayTemplate(string displayTemplate)
    When set, the internal HTML rendering is bypassed and a DisplayTemplate view with the given
    name is rendered instead. Note that the DisplayTemplate must have a model of type PaginationModel.
    Instead of a template name, it's also possible to specify a complete template path, starting with ~/

MaxNrOfPages(int maxNrOfPages)
    Sets the maximum number of pages to show    

    By default we don't add the page number for page 1 because it results in canonical links. 
    Use this option to override this behaviour. 

    Set the page routeValue key for pagination links

    Displays first and last navigation pages

    Displays the first navigation page

    Displays the last navigation page

    Set a custom text for the first page

    Set a custom text for title attribute of the first page link

    Set a custom text for the last page

    Set a custom text for title attribute of the last page link

    Set a custom text for the previous page

    Set a custom text for title attribute of the previous page link

    Set a custom text for the next page

    Set a custom text for title attribute of the next page link

    The totalItemCount parameter is (ab)used for the total number of pages
    instead of the total number of items to facilitate backends that return the total number
    of pages instead of the total number of items

    Don't show the 'previous' and 'next' links and only show the page numbers

    Indicate that a specific named route must be used when generating page links

    Don't show page number 1 and '...' when navigating away

    Don't show the number of the last page and '...' when the last page is more than


The library contains a PagedList class that makes it easy to work with paged data. Use it via an extension method on IEnumerable<> or IList<>:

myList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize)

with any unpaged list or

myList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize, totalItemCount)

when the list already only contains the data for the page


Contributions via pull requests are great. We use 4 spaces for indentation :-).