martin-borkovec / ggparty

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ggplot2 visualizations for the partykit package.


                         dependencies = TRUE)



data("TeachingRatings", package = "AER")
tr <- subset(TeachingRatings, credits == "more")

tr_tree <- lmtree(eval ~ beauty | minority + age + gender + division + native +
                    tenure, data = tr, weights = students, caseweights = FALSE)

        terminal_space = 0.5,
        add_vars = list(p.value = "$node$info$p.value")) +
  geom_edge(size = 1.5) +
  geom_edge_label(colour = "grey", size = 6) +
  geom_node_plot(gglist = list(geom_point(aes(x = beauty,
                                             y = eval,
                                             col = tenure,
                                             shape = minority),
                                         alpha = 0.8),
                              theme_bw(base_size = 15)),
                scales = "fixed",
                id = "terminal",
                shared_axis_labels = T,
                shared_legend = T,
                legend_separator = T,
                predict = "beauty",
                predict_gpar = list(col = "blue",
                                   size = 1.2)
                ) +
  geom_node_label(aes(col = splitvar),
                  line_list = list(aes(label = paste("Node", id)),
                                   aes(label = splitvar),
                                   aes(label = paste("p =", formatC(p.value, format = "e", digits = 2)))),
                  line_gpar = list(list(size = 12, col = "black", fontface = "bold"),
                                   list(size = 20),
                                   list(size = 12)),
                  ids = "inner") +
  geom_node_label(aes(label = paste0("Node ", id, ", N = ", nodesize)),
                  fontface = "bold",
                  ids = "terminal",
                  size = 5, 
                  nudge_y = 0.01) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

How to Use

ggparty tries to stick as closely as possible to ggplot2’s grammar of graphics. The basic building blocks to a ggparty plot are:

Make sure to check out the wiki or the vignettes for detailed information on the usage of ggparty.

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions or questions feel free to contact me or post an issue! Thanks for your support!
