martin-helmich / phpunit-psr7-assert

PHPUnit assertions for PSR-7 messages
MIT License
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PSR-7 assertions for PHPUnit

Unit tests Code Climate Test Coverage

This library adds several new assertions to PHPUnit that allow you to easily and concisely test HTTP request and response messages that implement the PSR-7 interfaces.

Author and copyright

Martin Helmich This library is MIT-licensed.


$ composer require helmich/phpunit-psr7-assert


There are several release branches of this library, each of these being compatible with different releases of PHPUnit and PHP. The following table should give an easy overview:

PSR-7 assertion version PHPUnit 4 PHPUnit 5 PHPUnit 6 PHPUnit 7 PHPUnit 8 PHPUnit 9 PHPUnit 10
v1 (branch v1), unsupported :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign:
v2 (branch v2), unsupported :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign:
v3 (branch v3), unsupported :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign:
v4 (branch master) :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

When you are using composer require and have already declared a dependency to phpunit/phpunit in your composer.json file, Composer should pick latest compatible version automatically.


Using the Psr7Assertions trait

Simply use the trait Helmich\Psr7Assert\Psr7Assertions in any of your test cases. This trait offers a set of new assert* functions that you can use in your test cases:

use Helmich\Psr7Assert\Psr7Assertions;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Testcase;

class MyTestCase extends Testcase
  use Psr7Assertions;

  public function testRequestMatchesExpectations()
    $request = /* build some instance of Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface */;

    $this->assertRequestHasUri($request, '/foo');
    $this->assertMessageHasHeaders($request, [
      'content-type' => 'application/json',
      'expect'       => '202-accepted'
    $this->assertMessageBodyMatchesJson($request, [
      '$.username' => 'mhelmich'

Most assertions take a $message argument which is expected to be an instance of the Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface class -- this means that many assertions work both with request and response messages. These interfaces are defined by the psr/http-message package.

Using the functional interface

This package also offers a functional interface that can be used in a more fluent way than the assertions offered by the Psr7Assertions trait. Simply include the file src/Functions.php for your test cases (preferably, using Composer's autoload-dev setting):

public function testRequestMatchesExpectations()
  $request = /* build some instance of Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface */;

  assertThat($request, logicalAnd(
      'content-type' => 'application/json',
      'expect'       => '202-accepted'
    bodyMatchesJson(['$.username' => 'mhelmich'])

Assertion reference

assertRequestHasUri($request, $uri) / hasUri($uri)

Asserts that the request URI of request $request is equal to $uri

$this->assertRequestHasUri($request, '/foo'));
assertThat($request, hasUri('/foo'));
assertMessageHasHeader($message, $header[, $constraint]) / hasHeader($name[, $constraint])

Asserts that the header named $header is present in the HTTP message. The exact behaviour of this assertion is dependent on the $constraint parameter:

  1. If no constraint is given, the assertion will match when the header is present and not empty.
  2. If a primitive value is given as $constraint, the assertion will match when the header is present and is equal to the specified value
  3. If $constraint is an instance of the PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint class, the assertion will match when the constraint evaluates to TRUE.


    assertThat($request, hasHeader('content-length', greaterThan(1000)));
assertMessageHasHeaders($message, $constraints) / hasHeaders($constraints)

Same as assertMessageHasHeader, just with multiple headers. $constraints is a key-value array using header names as keys and constraints (see above) as values.


assertThat($request, hasHeaders([
  'content-type'   => 'application/json',
  'content-length' => greaterThan(1000)
assertMessageBodyMatches($message, $constraint) / bodyMatches($constraint)

Asserts that the message body matches the constraint $constraint. If $constraint is a primitive value, the assertion will pass when the message body is equal to the constraint. If $constraint is an instance of the PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint class, the constraint will be evaluated as-is.

assertMessageBodyMatchesJson($message, $jsonConstraints) / bodyMatchesJson($jsonConstraints)

This actually asserts several facts:

  1. The message must have a content-type header that is equal to application/json
  2. The message body must be a valid JSON string (that means decodeable by json_decode)
  3. The encoded JSON object must match all constraints specified in the $jsonConstraints array. For this, the helmich/phpunit-json-assert package will be used.
assertMessageBodyMatchesForm($message, $formConstraints) / bodyMatchesForm($formConstraints)

This asserts that the message body contains application/x-www-form-urlencoded-encoded content, with individual variables matching the $formConstraints array.

assertRequestHasMethod($request, $method) / hasMethod($method)

Asserts that the request has the method $method. For the most common request method, shorthand assertions are available:

assertResponseHasStatus($response, $status) / hasStatus($status)

Asserts that the response status matches a given constraint. If $status is a scalar value, this assertion will check for equality.

assertThat($response, hasStatus(200));
assertThat($response, hasStatus(logicalAnd(greaterThanOrEqual(200), lessThan(400))));

For the most common checks, some shorthand assertions are available:

assertStringIsAbsoluteUri($uri) / isAbsoluteUri()

Assert that the string $uri contains a valid absolute URL (scheme and hostname are required).

assertHasQueryParameter($uriOrRequest, $name[, $value]) / hasQueryParameter($name[, $value])

Asserts that an URI contains a query parameter matching the given constraints. $name and $value may both be string values as well as instances of the PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint interface.

The $uriOrRequest value may be