martincyprus / wtc-miner-monitor

server client tool for monitoring WTC mining on multiple machines
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

wtc-miner-monitor version 1.0

A Go server client tool for monitoring WTC mining on multiple machines

This tool was written because I needed it for my own usage, I needed to monitor some 10-20 machines mining WTC and it was to cumbersome to login to each machine all the time to verify that they were still mining. I'm happy to add features and fix things if found but my time is limited and it works great for what I wanted it to do. This software is provided as is.

if you find it useful please donate to any of the following crypto addresses:

If you want me to solve a specific problem or expand the feature list a donation to any of the above will go a long way. I can be found on the walton slack as martin_cy you can also send me messages on reddit also under martin_cy and finally you can find me on telegram with username: b>@Martin0cy</b (


It is made up of 2 parts, Server and Client, all communcation between server and client is encrypted, it is based on the client will push their information to the server that will collect all the clients' information and give three simple tables as a username/password protected web page where you can see hashrate, latest block number, and number of peers of each node, as of latest report (default every 50-60 seconds).


The server takes all the messages sent from the clients and put them into a very simple sqlite database, it will keep data according to KeepLogsHours, for the web page to be fast and responsive keep the following in mind, 10 miners, and 10h of data will load in 2 second, double the time or nodes and your time to load will double, its fairly linair. "Node Down" notifications are sent 5 minutes after a nodes last message, between 1-3 messages will be sent in the window of 5-8 minutes, then also another 1-2 messages will be sent 1h after it has been down after that no more notifications will be sent concerning that node. Any time a node reports 0 peers you will get a message every 100 seconds. (this can get very spammy and is on my list of todos).

the server package will have the following content:


this is a simple sqlite database that comes empty with some predefined views and tables.


has the following content:

        "MPort": 3333,
        "EncryptionKey": "blabla1223123456",
        "WEBUsername": "username",
        "WEBPassword":  "password1",


this is the port that all clients will communicate to the server, you can pick what ever port you want, just make sure its not used by something else. Also you will need to open up a rule in your firewall to allow TCP inbound traffic on this port on the machine that server will run. There is also integration with TelegramBots so they will ping you if a node goes down or its peer count drops to 0.


This is the port that the server will use to display your statistics


This key should be your random seed (it has to be same on all clients and server) it need to be at least 16 characters long, change it from the default so you are sure your traffic is kept private.


Username you want to use when you access your webpage


Password to login to the web page with miner statistics


If you want to use the telegramBot option for notifications, see bellow for instructions on how to setup your bot. (yes/no). If you do not want to use Telegram the Node Down or 0 Peer count are just written in the server window, also it will show on the web page. It is possible to check if your telegram is setup correctly by running server with "test" it will try to send a telegram message and then exit.

    server.exe test


Your full telegram API botkey, should look like something like this: bot123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11 (important include the "bot" in the beginning.)


your private channel ID with your notification bot, this can also be a group/channel ids, (group Id's start with "-100" be sure to include the "-" if its a group id)


print out all the data sent to server from clients


this configurs when data is cleaned from the database, in hours. Imagine you have 10 nodes, each report to the server every 1 minute, so in 60 minutes you would have 600 entries, in 10h you would have 6000 entries, the statistics page slows down as amount of data goes up as it is a bigger dataset to aggregate and search for the information. I would recommend to keep the total data for a fast responsive page to be around the 4000-6000 entries. then the page should load in sub 2 seconds. Configure according to your needs.

If you are running a postgres database backend, you can keep a much longer history, e.g. a week or similar even with hundreds of clients without really affecting performance.

Once you have configured the above parameters you can just double click start the server.exe, if it exists means that some of the parameters might not be configured correctly, please start it manually from a command line and read the output carefully, and correct the problem.


If you want to use a postgres database backend, default is "NO", change it to "YES" if you want to use postgres. Scroll down to the "PostgreSQL" section for information how to setup postgres. If you have more then 40 clients you should consider using a postgres database instead of the simple built in sqlite database. Sqlite can not handle concurrent writes to the database, so it will only work as long as multiple connections clients dont try to send data at exactly the same time. Postgres has been tested with more then 1000 simultantiouns clients with out any delay or problem.


Specific your time zone location according the the ICANN database, for a list of location please look at: you should put the content of the "TZ*" column into this parameter e.g. "Africa/Cairo" or "America/New_York" all times will then be displayed in that timezone. Unused, or left, or spelling error etc it will just display in UTC.


The client is something you have to run on each node and configure for each specific node. It comes with the following files:

The client can track either CPU or GPU hashing, and it also tracks peer count and blockNumber. Running the first time, and assuming it passes the config file validation 3 bat files are created: cpuHash.bat, peer.bat, blockNumber.bat. These are all simple script that will just extract those specific things from your miner and send to the server.

By default in CPU mode it checks the CPU hashrate by calling the cpuHash.bat about 6 times per minute and then doing an average hash rate and then send it to the server every minute, when running GPU it will sample every second and then calculate the minute average and report that to the server, together with the peer count, and blockNumber.


        "Id": 1,
        "Server": "serverIP:3333",
        "EncryptionKey": "blabla1223123456",
        "Frequency": 60,
        "WaltonClientPath":"C:\\Program Files\\WTC\\walton.exe",
        "GpuMinerLocation":"C:\\Program Files\\WTC\\Walton-GPU-64\\GPUMing_v0.2",


This is the ID of the node, give it positive integer value, and it must be unique among all clients


A name for this node, something that make sense to you, maybe the same name you use in your extraData


full server ip: e.g. The port must match what you specified in the server-config.json


This must be identical to the key you specified in the server-config.json


How often clients should report to server, I recommend to leave it at 60, (have not tested much with other frequencies)


This can be either "CPU" or "GPU" this is case sensitive.


This shold be the full path to a walton.exe, make sure to do double "\" e.g. "C:\Program Files\WTC\walton.exe"


this only really matters if you are doing GPU mining. This is the path to where your ming_run.exe lives, and where your "0202001" file lives. when running Multi-GPU its that is just report a static hashrate, this normal mean that this path is pointing to the wrong "0202001" file, please point it to the directoy where the correct 0202001 file is located.


once server is running, and local mining has been started and the config has been filed in just double click it. it will take 60 seconds before you see the first line writing out your hash and peer and blockNumber count, and at that point you will also see a line on the server. Yes of course you can run client.exe on the same machine as you run server.exe.

Checking things while its running

Color coding on the "Latest Hash By Nodes"


Peer count


Using this monitor for Multi-GPU rigs

It is possible to monitor Multi-GPU setups. Just create a client folder for each GPU, and configure each config.json accordingly, the things to take extra care about is the RpcPort and NodeId/name since it should be different from the other clients, and the RPC port should match what is in the start_gpu.bat for the node you are monitoring.

Building it yourself

Assuming some basic Go knowledge and a correct setup Go environment.

you should now have the executables needed, configure the configs as above.

Telegram bot

Please start by reading this following intro to telegram bots:

next follow this tutorial to create your bot API key and find your channel ID:

It is possible to check if your telegram is setup correctly by running server with "test" it will try to send a telegram message via your bot and then exit.

    server.exe test

PostgreSQL setup

I will go through the setup of postgres on windows, as I assume most people will be running windows for now, though similar steps can be taken for Linux.

Donations welcome

if you find this software useful please donate crypto to any of the following crypto addresses:

If you want me to solve a specific problem or expand the feature list a donation to any of the above will go a long way. I can be found on the walton slack as martin_cy you can also send me messages on reddit also under martin_cy. and finally you can find me on telegram with username: b>@Martin0cy</b (