martinjoiner / Skywriter-WebGL

An interactive 3D skywriter plane
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Single page WebGL interface for an interactive skywriter plane. The plane will fly a dynamic path, turning on it's smoker at strategic points in order to write words using smoke trails in the sky.

The eventual goal is for it to continually fly, writing a never-ending stream of live Tweets.


Press the 's' key to toggle the smoke trail on and off.


Clone down the repo to your machine and point the browser to /public/index.html. The whole page is static HTML and JavaScript.


If you are changing the JavaScript you will need the NPM package Gulp running so it can watch for changes to the JavaScript files and trigger a rebuild task that concatenates the files.

Run npm install to fetch the modules (you will need both Node and NPM installed on your machine for this).

Once that is done you can trigger the watch task simply type typing gulp:


Client-side libraries