martinkarugaba / recipe_app

MIT License
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Recipe app

πŸ“— Table of Contents

πŸ“– [Recipe App]

The Recipe app allows you to save ingredients and track what's in your kitchen. With it, you can make new recipes and receive a shopping list based on what you have and need. This list helps identify what items you need for specific dishes. Additionally, sharing your recipes becomes enjoyable, and the app assists by generating a shopping list that shows what's available.

πŸ›  Built With

Tech Stack

Ruby on Rails

Key Features

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πŸ’» Getting Started

To install a duplicate of this project on your computer, kindly abide by the guidelines provided below.


In order to run this project you need:


Clone the project into your desired folder by using this command:

git clone

cd recipe_app


Install this project with:

 bundle install


To run the project, execute the following command:

rails server

Run tests


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πŸ‘€ Ye Min Thu

πŸ‘€ Martin Karugaba

πŸ”­ Future Features

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🀝 Contributing

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πŸ™ Acknowledgments

We would like to express my sincere thanks to Microverse for providing us with the resources and knowledge necessary to carry out this project.

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πŸ“ License

This project is MIT licensed.

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