martisak / 3gpp-citations

Generate .bib-file for 3GPP specifications
MIT License
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3gpp bibtex citations python references

3GPP Bibtex entry generator

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This project aims to generate BiBTeX files that can be used when citing 3GPP specifications. The input is a document list exported from the 3GPP Portal.


pip install 3gpp-citations

To also install test dependencies run

pip install 3gpp-citations[test]


  1. Go to the 3GPP Portal
  2. Generate the list of specifications you want.
  3. Download to Excel and save file
  4. Run python -i exported.xlsx -o 3gpp.bib
  5. Use in LaTeX.

Optionally use the provided 3gpp.bib directly.

Things to note

Example output

 author = {3GPP},
 day = {20},
 institution = {{3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)}},
 month = {04},
 note = {Version 14.2.2},
 number = {36.331},
 title = {{Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification}},
 type = {Technical Specification (TS)},
 url = {},
 year = {2017}


See our contribution guidelines and our Code of Conduct.


A presentation about the CI-pipeline used in this project can be found here.


This project has been updated as part of the WASP Software and Cloud Technology course.

This work was partially supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.