masakhane-io / masakhane-reading-group

Agile reading group that works
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Masakhane Reading Group :books::books:

This repo is adapted from Awesome reading group. The idea is to read 2-3 papers and organize 1-hour meetings once in two weeks. No one is expected prepare slides and/or read the papers in depth.

Please feel free to give any feedback on current organisation as a new issue to this repository - it can be adapted to our needs.

:watch: Time and Location

Details still to be decided

Tuesday or Wednesday xx-xxpm

Remote participation:

The time/frequency can be adjusted based on your feedback. The objective is to share and discuss interesting papers together on a regular basis.


Detailed Instructions

1 - ADD and VOTE on papers as comments in the voting issue You may only put the title and the link to the paper, or add any comments to help people to understand why it is worth reading.

2 - The top voted comment from "voting issue" gets selected The corresponding comment gets deleted from the voting issue and a new issue is created with the date of discussion:

3- Read the selected paper according to one's time/knowledge​

4- Attend the reading group

4'- Sprints, in future, once we have gotten a rhythm

-Sometimes the reading group can go beyond a single paper: eg. conference proceedings, several papers around the same subject, etc. The idea of the sprint is to grasp the as much papers as possible in a short time. We block 2h slot for this. The sprint happens in two phases:

5- After discussion add your thoughts as a comment on the issue of the discussion day (NOT the voting issue)

6-watch the repo so you get email updates with new meetings