maschhoff / prpdf

preview and rename PDF Explorer
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

PR PDF - scan documents explorer and automation

Preview and Rename PDF Explorer\ A webbased document explorer and automation. For easy view, rename and move scanned PDF files.

Background and Motivation:

I was searching for a easy to use solution to get my letters and paper digital.
Since I was searching for a solution for my unraid NAS, solutions like paperwork dont work as docker/in web or on many computer.
Programs like Paperless and Papermerge are great but much to heavy with database etc.
I like to keep my files in a normal folder structure to share and access them from every pc.
Thats how PR PDF started. As an lightwight easy to use web based application to make it easy to preview, rename and move scanned documents.

BETA Note:

This program is very new and theres a lot to test. Please report issues to the issues tab on github.


How it works:

  1. Documents get scanned to a scan-folder
  2. these documents will be autoscanned and moved to the specific locations
  3. Any files that are not recognized by autoscan will be moved to the subfolder "unknown" of the scan-folder
  4. The Webbased PR PDF Explorer lists all documents of the "unknown" folder.

How it looks like:

Explorer OCR

Install and run

Run as docker

docker pull knex666/prpdf

docker run -d --name='PRPDF' -p 80:80 -v '/mnt/user/Share':'/Archiv/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/SCAN':'/source/static/pdf/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/prpdf/':'/source/config':'rw' 'knex666/prpdf' python3 /source/

Run with python on linux

Note: Please ensure to run it from /source/ create a folder /Archiv for your files and a folder /source/static/pdf/ as location for you scanned pdfs otherwise feel free to edit the sourcecode on etc.

Run as systemd service on Fedora


A default config will be creating within the first start of PR PDF. For Docker please mount the config folder to make it persistent. An example:

"port":80, - choose any port you want
"debug":"off", set so on or off to see ocr results while autoscan
"lang":"deu", set the ocr language see
"updatetime":1800, uptime in seconds


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