Compost + Company
inedible food scrap curation in a very big city map
Curate and map neighborhood food waste diversion data soliciting crowd-sourced metadata
Look at the center of any strange idea, you'll always find someone with a great question.
Comment on Kickstarter =>
Question, questions
Can we visualize food waste to compost participation over time? Is there even data to measure this? If not, can it be inferred by other means?
How does metadata inform participation?
- Metadata
- Data
- Tests
- Surveys and polls
Rules of CompostandCompany
- Rule 1 keep it close to home
- Rule 2 keep it close to home
- Rule 3 relationships = trust
- Rule 4 {measure ~ data ~ truth}
- Rule 5 No truth? then Rule 4
Some Assumptions
- My planet will have soil, air and water free of man-made chemical pollutants.
- Reduce ~ Reuse ~ Recycle loop bad. Waste ~ Decay loop good.
- Planned obsolescence must die!
- Global climate changes profound impact on water resources is the visible threat that crosses all geographic zones.
- Cities are food scrap machines. Doh.
- Using economies of scale can facilitate a consistent & reliable product.
- Adding composted organic matter innoculates, improves water retention and provides plant nutrients.
- Soils rich in beneficial organisms become carbon sponges.
- Compost is a natural "nearly free" resource unlike water.
Possible Outcomes
- Creative ideation
- Field data collection
- Event / Media campaigns
- Metadata, datasets & APIs
- Explore sensors
- GCFS (General Compost Standard)
- Maps, maps, maps
- Viz, viz, visu-a-li-zation
- Discourse/Slack chat
- Fun
- Fun
- Stickers
- Hemp bags4Bikes
- Some really special secret stuff