mashikro / my-smart-journal

Full-stack web app gratitude journal with sentiment analysis, SMS reminders using Twilio API, various data visualizations of streaks, moods, and common phrases. [WIP]
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πŸ“ MySmartJournal πŸ“

MySmartJournal is a full-stack web app gratitude journal

Deployment Link: Coming soon...


About the Developer πŸ€–

MySmartJournal was authored by Masha Ikromova. Masha studied Neuroscience and Software Engineering at Columbia University and Hackbright Academy respectively. This is her first full-stack software project. Learn more about the developer on Linkedin.

Technologies πŸ‘Ύ

Tech Stack

MySmartJournal is an app built on a Flask server with a PostgreSQL database, with SQLAlchemy as the ORM. On the front end it uses Jinja2, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript (JQuery and AJAX) to interact with the backend. The graphs are rendered using Chart.js and wordcloud2.js. The sentiment analysis is powered using the AWS Comprehend API. User's receive an SMS reminder to write in app daily, which is done using a Twilio API. Server routes are tested using the Python unittest module.

Features πŸš€