massalabs / riscairo_template

Rust guest template for the riscairo VM
Apache License 2.0
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scarb-riscv project tool

This is part of the riscairo project (

This tool extend scarb (the cairo build tool) to ease the use of the riscairo virtual machine to provably run Rust code.


Clone this repository then run cargo install --path riscv to extend your standard scarb toolkit.


(For developers working on the scarb-riscv itself, all commands below can be ran without installing, simply replace the invocation of scarb riscv by cargo riscv).

Thus, a riscairo project is composed of two parts (see below), both having their own build system and some linking constraints. For the sake of simplicity (and portability), these build systems have been wrapped into the scarb-riscv.

$ scarb riscv

# All in one commands:
init                initializes a brand new empty project
init_template       initializes a brand new project based on a template
build               builds the whole project
clean               cleans the whole project

# Single task commands:
init_rs             initializes the rust project
init_cairo          initializes the cairo project

build_rs            builds only the rust project (and exports the binary to cairo)
build_cairo         builds only the cairo project

clean_rs            cleans only the rust project
clean_cairo         cleans only the cairo project

scarb riscv clean cleans all the generated filles, while scarb riscv build rebuilds everything from the rust code up to the cairo casm.

Overview of a riscairo project

General description

The guest program written in Rust is place in the (guest_rs) directory.

The default example exposes a couple of functions:

The exposed guest functions are then called from a host Starknet contract located in the src directory and written in Cairo, which also exports them back.

Compiling the guest_rs sub-project can be done with the classical cargo build, as long as the command is run inside the directory. This is useful while developing. Lastly, in order to export this project to the cairo host, the guest_rs has be compiled with the scard riscv build_rs.

Compiling the cairo code can be done either with the classical scarb build or the scarb riscv build_cairo command.

Ultimately scarb riscv build will take care of build the Rust code, exporting it to cairo then build the cairo code.

To try it on on a contract already deployed on Sepolia, use (don't forget to setup your API key inside of

Features and limitations

Embedded constraints

The rust code is meant to run on a bare metal RISC-V CPU without an operating system. This means that only no_std Rust code will compile.

Dynamic memory allocation

This template enables dynamic memory allocation through a bump allocator defined in guest_rs/src/ that never frees. This was chosen in order to minimize computing and binary size overhead, but feel free to adjust it to your needs.


The template supports panic unwinding and forwards the panic message to the riscairo VM that decodes and handles it.