massaroni / grunt-angularjs-thrift

Compile thrift IDL into javascript with grunt, generate an angularjs service for each thrift service that returns a promise for each thrift rpc call.
MIT License
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Thrift Angular Code Generator

Make Thrift rpc calls to your Thrift http server, from javascript in a browser, in a website or cordova/phonegap app. This is a grunt module that compiles Thrift IDL into commonjs javascript, for use with browserify or webpack. The generated angularjs module generates an angular service for each Thrift service, at runtime. For Thrift 0.9.x support, see grunt-angularjs-thrift-0.9.


Thrift: This is packaged with a pre-release snapshot of the Thrift 1.0 javascript runtime, from the Apache Thrift repository, and so it depends on a Thrift 1.0 compiler, on the build machine. You can build a Thrift 1.0 compiler from the Apache Thrift repository. It will be backward compatible with Thrift 0.9.x IDL and server endpoints.

Example Gruntfile.js Configuration

    module.exports = function (grunt) {
      // load the grunt plugin

      // configure the grunt plugin
        thriftcompiler: {
          deluxe: {
            files: [
                src: 'app/src/thrift/**/*.thrift',
                dest: 'app/src/generated'
            thriftSrcRoot: 'app/src/thrift/', // root directory of the above src path
            thriftBin: '~/dev/thrift/compiler/cpp/build/thrift', // this is your Thrift 1.0 compiler

            // (optional) with this property, it will generate angular services (at runtime, so you won't find any generated js files with angular services)
            angularServices: {
              rootEndpointUrl: '/thrift-api/v1/', // root uri path of all your thrift service endpoints (domain name is configured elsewhere)
              thriftRetryHandler: { // user-provided error handler, for thrift and http errors (see the example below)
                angularModule: 'thrift-retry',
                angularService: 'CustomThriftRetryHandler'
          compileOnly: {
            files: [
                src: 'app/src/thrift/**/*.thrift',
                dest: 'app/src/generated'
            thriftSrcRoot: 'app/src/thrift/',
            thriftBin: '/Users/kmassaroni/dev/thrift/compiler/cpp/build/thrift'


Example: User-Provided Thrift Error Handler

For example, always retry the same exact thrift call once, for whatever reason.

    // app/src/thrift/thrift-retry-service.js


    var thriftRetryModule = angular.module('thrift-retry', []);
    thriftRetryModule.service('CustomThriftRetryHandler', [function CustomThriftRetryHandler() {

      this.handleError = function handleError(thriftClient, reason, state) {
        if (state.callCount > 2) {
        } else {


Example: Load Thrift In Your App

    // app/src/thrift/thrift-services.js

    // the generated thrift js module returns a configuration object with instructions for generating angular services
    var generated = require('../generated/compiled_thrift');

    // the generated angular thrift services will depend on your custom angular service, for error handling

    // generate the angular thrift services, in the ngThriftServices module

    // your module must depend on the ngThriftServices module, provided by grunt-angularjs-thrift
    angular.module('my-module', ['ngThriftServices']);

    // the naming convention for angular thrift services is: [Thrift][your service name]. So, a thrift service named
    // SomethingService would have an angular thrift service name ThriftSomethingService
    angular.module('my-module').service('MyService', ['ThriftSomethingService', function (ThriftSomethingService) {
      ThriftSomethingService.callRoomService().then(function (response) {
        console.log('response from server:', response);
      }, function (reason) {
        console.log('thrift rpc call failed:', reason);

    // app/src/thrift/services.thrift

    service SomethingService {
     string callRoomService()


1) more documentation 2) example project