massimo-zaniboni / aoc-benchmarks

Publish some Advent of Code benchmarks
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I customized for supporting the benchmarks of AoC 2021 programs, and maybe other programming contests.

You can see the results on

For submitting new code to test, you can add issues and/or pull-requests on . The program must read data from the standard input, and write the result to stdout, without adding a new-line at the end. Add a license in the header of the code. See examples of programs in directory benchmarks/programs/.

Each benchmark (called also "test") has different input-size. Each program is tested starting from smaller input-sizes.


I reused entirely the bencher utility of the project.

The bencher uses python-gtop, that it is not fully supported from many Linux distributions. So I created an Ubuntu Docker image, supporting it. This Ubuntu Docker container it is used also for compiling and benchmarking the code.

The Docker container will live only during the benchmarks, then it will be destroyed. The directory benchmarks will be mounted inside the Docker container. It contains the input programs in benchmars/programs, and it will contain the results of benchmarks at the end.


Required packages:


./ install

for creating a Docker image, with a rather big Ubuntu based compilation and benchmark environment. It will download most recent version of compilers. Dockerfile contains the image installation instructions.

Running benchmarks


./ run-all

It will execute all benchmarks. It will be very slow (i.e. many hours). These results depends from the hardware, so they cannot be ported between different hosts.

This command must be executed inside an host with all resources given to the benchmark code (e.g. no open applications and running services). Fast benchmarks will be repeated more than one time, and only the best result will be kept. So it is tolerable temporary fluctuations in the resources of the host. Very long benchmarks will be executed only one time, but in these case some seconds of difference are not much important.

For executing only new or changed benchmarks (i.e. when the source code in bencher/programs is newer than the result of the benchmark)

./ run-new

Benchmarks can be interrupted pressing Control-c and restarted with ./ run-new command. So they can be executed in an incremental way.

Viewing benchmark results

./ web

It launches a PHP local web-server (i.e. not good for production) accepting connections on 8000 port. Connect your browser to http://localhost:8000/index.html.

Stop with Control-c.


For removing completely the image, in case the project is not anymore needed

./ prune

How To

Adding a new program to benchmark

Add programs in the benchmarks/programs/<task-name>/ directory.

Programs name must follow a fixed pattern, like task_name.hs-1.hs or another_task.lisp-2.lisp.

The task_name is the same name of the directory.

-1 or -2 are the version of the code.

The .hs-1.hs is a repetition of the language name.

IMPORTANT: never use "-" in the task name, i.e. "fast_path" is good, "fast-path" no.

Debugging new added programs

In benchmarks/run_logs there is the compilation and execution log of last executed programs. More details are in benchmarks/bencher/tmp/ there is the state of last compiled code.

The first run of a program, set the expected result of the task. Also newlines at the end or start of the result counts. So make sure that the output will be exactly the same. The expected output is inside benchmarks/data-files/ directory, inside *.out files. In case of unintended difference, delete them. Usually the result must terminate with a new-line.

Adding a new benchmark to test

Given a benchmark name like fast_path:

IMPORTANT: never use "-" in the names, i.e. "fast_path" is good, "fast-path" no.

Adding a new data-set to use in task to tests

Datasets can be big, so they are not included in the repository.

The ideal solution is including the code generating then, and calling it during installation. But it is not yet available.

Another solution is using some private torrent service, or some internet cache. But the technology is not in widespread usage.

The temporary pragmatic solution is putting a tar xz compressed file on one of my server.

Generating new compressed data-sets

For generating new data-sets:

Adding a new language

Assuming a new language foo with suffix f (IMPORTANT: never use "-" in the names of languages):


The bencher is based on project released under BSD license. See its content for proper credits.

AoC 2021 big data sets are based (i.e. a copy of) on

Advent of Code problems are at